Configs and Templates to configure infra and software,
This files are designed to smooth integration with super-machine-setup
@(Simple implementation across multiple projects)
Modules repository enable the best of the common multiple projects encapsulated and ready to be implement in your project in an easy, scalable and flexible way.
- Centralization: Avoid duplicated libraries repo by repo.
- Import the core and best functionalities easily.
- This repo can be use as Template for coming repos.
- Navigate to the root of the project
- Create a virtual environment in the root folder by calling
virtualenv -p 3 ~/tmp/venv_modules
- Activate it by executing
source ~/tmp/venv_modules/bin/activate
- or - use your virtual environment
- make sure that you are using the virtualenv with
which pip3
, it should point to the venv_modules dir - Install developer tools by executing
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Do an one-time call of
pre-commit install
Next time you restart the console, do run the source ~/tmp/venv_modules/bin/activate
This project uses to do a linting and validation. It acts as a git pre commit hook.
Each time you stage your changes and commit your code, a code-commit hook will be triggered. It will:
- Upgrade your syntax to the new Python syntax using
- Run black formatter against your code
- Run spell checking of your code though
- Run flake8 lining
- Run bandit against your code to check for the security issues
- Run isort to automatically sort dependencies
- Check all executables has a sheband
- Run yaml linting
- Run minimal prettier
- Run mypy to do a type checking against your code
- Deny from committing into the
If you feel trapped and can't make it through, run git commit --no-verify
You can run pre-commit with the the current upstream code, for example to run pre-commit in the HEAD
pre-commit run --from-ref HEAD~1 --to-ref HEAD
- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- .yamllint
- bandit.yaml