#PostGis CLC and SRTM server
Currently, only Corine Land Cover (CLC) data is being served. We have an express app using the postGis CLC client (see Usage> CLC modules), receiving arguments in the request body and sending the CLC array in with the response.send method. See expressApp.js
##modules in /src
These modules contain query scripts for Corine Land Cover (CLC) and SRTM height data access.
The idea is to get a rectangular area from the CLC layers stored in postgis and use that data to feed the fuel models of fireLib.
The output is a matrix where each element corresponds to a specific category of terrain (CLC format).
The SRTM module queries a database where the height data in WGS84 is stored, returning a rectangular area projected in ETRS89-LAEA.
var getCorine = require('clcClient');
getCorine( N, S, E, W, rows, cols, functions(data){ fuelMap = data });
N, S, E, W are the limiting coordinates of the rectangular clip area (string format, Easting/Northing). eg:
var W = 2660547; var E = 2666430; var N = 1954031; var S = 1948355;
rows and cols are the resolution of the map
The fuelMap is used in the call back function and it's in CLC format.
###SRTM module
var getSrtm = require('srtmClient');
getSrtm( N, S, E, W, functions(data){ heightMap = data });
N, S, E, W are the same for CLC module
rows and cols are the resolution of the map
The heightMap is in meters and ETRS89-LAEA system.
data = [111,111,311,111,...];
111 - Continuous urban fabric
311 - Broad-leaved forest
312 -
{ command: 'SELECT',
rowCount: 625,
oid: NaN,
{ x: 1, y: 1, height: 992 },
{ x: 1, y: 2, height: 1004 },
{ x: 1, y: 3, height: 111 },
... ] }
st_metadata contains information about the clipped raster. It's important to notice that, because of the way the clipping area intersects the raster pixels, the values for E/N of the clipped area will be slightly different from the input E/N at getSRTM
##To do
- srtm modules needs tests
- express app needs tests