A plugin that allows signatures to be created and saved in budibase, this plugin uses text fields to save the data and image fields to see the image
- Name - The name of the component
- Field - The selected text field to store the signature image data
- Label - Default budibase label for forms
- Width - The width of the component, valid inputs are css width attributes
- Height - The height of the component, valid inputs are css height attributes
- Pen Width - Set the pen width, valid values: 1-50
- Pen Colour - The colour of the writing on the canvasm, valid inputs are html colours e.g. Black, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0)
- Background Colour - The colour of the background, valid inputs are html colours e.g. White, #FFFFFF, rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Save Background Colour - Should the background colour be saved, if unselected the image will save with a transparent background
- Border Outline - The style of the border, set to none for no border
- Border Colour - The colour of the border e.g. Black, #000000, rgb(0, 0, 0)
- Border Thickness - The thickness of the border e.g. Thin, 1px
- Show Clear Signature Button - Do you want to show a button at the top of the signature canvas to allow the end user to clear their signature
- Clear Signature Button Text - The text to display on the clear signature button e.g. ❌, Clear Signature
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Title - The title text for the clear signature modal e.g. Erase Signature
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Body Text - The text to display on the dialog prompt when then clear signature button is pressed e.g. This will clear the current signature, do you want to contiune?
- Clear Signature Dialog Modal Action Button Text - The text to display on the action button on the modal e.g. Erase, OK
- Show Clear Signature Button Icon - Show the eraser icon on the clear signature button
- Validation - Make sure a signature is provided
- Signature X line - Make it clear where someone needs to sign
To display a saved siganture use an image component and set the URL to the text field you used earlier.
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