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Meta tag usage

james edited this page Aug 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Meta tags

All of these should be used within the <head></head> of your document.

Precache link

.kwpcf resource caches are used to reduce the number of HTTP requests by embedding all of the page's resources into one file. They are referenced like so, and more than one can be used if necessary:

<meta name="kwprecache" content="">

History management

FS3D maintains a history stack of visited pages, which can be managed using certain meta tags:

Clear whole stack:

<meta name="kwhistory-stack" content="clear-stack">
<meta name="kwhistory-overwrite" content="">

Don't add this page to the stack:

<meta name="kwhistory-stack" content="no-stack"> 

Reset position:

<meta name="kwhistory-stack" content="reset-pos"> 

Stylesheet link

CSS stylesheets are referenced in the usual manner:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Memo Group ID

We're unsure what this is, but the Japanese FGW seems to use it to differentiate between detail pages for FS3D Flipnotes and ones on DSi Gallery

<meta name="kwheadid" content="$group">

$group is memogroup for Flipnote Gallery World, or dsigroup for DSi Gallery.