This is my implementation of destructible infinite marching cubes terrain. Made in Unity utilizing latest Unity features, like collider baking on separate threads and setting raw mesh buffers.
Demo video:
Code is not that well documented but it gets the job done. Infinite terrain generation is currently not as fast as I would like it to be, since pooled chunks need to wait out all of their jobs before they can be used again. Terrain destruction is very fast, since all the colliders are baked on separate threads using Physics.BakeMesh. Everything is pooled so no memory (or very little) gets allocated or freed on runtime.
I'm currently researching faster collision detection. I'd also like to be able to instantly stop a job instead of having to wait for it to speed up the infinite terrain part.
Render distance above 500 is very slow. This is because all the chunks are currently full GameObjects. I'd like to render meshes outside of the player's destruction range manually, but I didn't find a way to do it yet without having too many draw calls and abysmall performance. Next thing would be to experiment with CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect or some other alternative. Waiting for jobs on pooled chunks when traversing terrain causes most of the lag.
WASD to move, right click to control the camera, F to fill and C to cut terrain.
If you build the project the build might randomly crash. Doesn't happen in editor, no clue why.
Feel free to fork the project and submit a pull request if you manage to optimize it even further :) Parts of the code are taken from (those parts are mentioned in the comments)
Recommended Unity version 2019.3.14f1
Contact me
Discord: Fobri#6742