An Obsidian plugin to help with mermaid.js graph/flowcharts plus extra commands.
Select ONLY the mermaid.js cell of type graph or flowchart and run the command in order to move variable declarations at the top.
Select ONLY the mermaid.js style or class row giving a regex pattern as id
(eg. style|class /any-regex-pattern/ fill:#f9f,stroke:#333|className)
Select a list of names separated by new line and run the command to create those files in the active folder
Select all sections, each having H2 as title, and run the command to create those files in the active folder
Set the colorGroups in the global graph view, then open a file and run the command 'Graph view: open local graph'. Finally, in the same active file, run this plugin command and restart Obsidian.
Given a list of strings separated by either line break, comma or comma plus line break, it returns a list of links
e.g.: a,b,c --> [[a]],[[b]],[[c]]