A simple Python package to turn your plots into gifs (Matplotlib, Seabron, Plotly).
This is the output of the example provided in "How to use it".
pip install gify_plot
# Using more than 5/7 categories ends with a cluttered result.
# The fewer, the better.
# The following csv can be freely downlaoded at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sazidthe1/world-gdp-data?select=gdp_data.csv
plot_type="line", plot_library="px", name="test_output",
plot_title="GDP per country", xaxis_title="year", yaxis_title="value", category="country_code",
OUTPUT: It ouputs a list of png in the dedicated folder, along with the resulting gif.
- original_df:pd.DataFrame ==> a dataset containing at least three columns:
- xaxis_title (i.e., an int in YYYY format OR strings in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format ;a range >= 20 years is suggested)
- yaxis_title (i.e., a list of int or float )
- category (i.e., categorical variables, n groups <=7 suggested)
- plot_type:str ==> The plot_type changes according to plot_library
- plot_library:str ==> plt | sns | px (short forms for matplotlib.pyplot, seaborn and plotly.express)
- name:str ==> The name of pngs and gif given as output,
- plot_title:str
- xaxis_title:str ==> The name of the column with x values
- yaxis_title:str ==> The name of the column with y values
- colors = ["blue","red","green","orange","violet","yellow","black","brown","cyan"] ==> it must have at least the same length of groups provided in the data
- duration = 100 ==> The delay in skipping to the next frame in ms
- loop = 0
- save_frames = True ==> If False, delete all png files that have been used to create the gif
- sort_on_x = True
- tick_interval = it scales across x values, default 7.
- plt (i.e., matplotlib.pyplot):
- line
- bar
- scatter
- stackplot (no legend)
- sns (i.e., seaborn):
- lineplot
- scatterplot
- barplot
- px (i.e., plotly.express):
- line
- scatter
- area
- bar