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Frederic Esser edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 1 revision


The following section is describing what and where the MyAnimeList Metadata Agent is getting the metadata from


The MyAnimeList Metadata Agent uses the Jikan API as main source for Metadata. Additionally, the Agent can also request additional Images from TheTVDB and TheMovieDB.

Since neither MyAnimeList nor the Jikan API provide a mapping to TheTVDB or TheMovieDB, the Agent will rely on the anime-lists project for that information.

Metadata used by Request


When the Agent should add Metadata to a Library item, it will first do a search for the Media Name (the Name of the Library item that was scanned by the scanner) on the Jikan API. The Results of that search will be put into a List with the following information:

  • ID: the MyAnimeList-ID for unique identification and Update purposes of the Anime in your Library
  • Title: The Main Title of the Anime
  • Aired Date: The year the anime aired in
  • Match Score: a calculated score (using difflib.SequenceMatcher) between the Media Name and the title from the search result (the more deviations between those two will result in a lower Match Score)
  • language: the language set in the search options (does not take any effect)


After the search is done Plex will pick the first search result that has the highest match score as the "match" and to update the library with the metadata. The following Metadata will then be used:

  • ID: The MyAnimeList-ID
  • Title: the Title of the Anime (in the preferred language) [1]
  • Synopsis: the summary of the Anime
  • Score: the user score rating
  • Aired date: the date of the Anime when it first aired
  • Age Rating: the content Rating
  • Posters: the Posters of the Anime
    • the Main Poster you see on the Details page
    • all additional Images in the Pictures section
  • Duration: the listed duration of the anime (for episodes or the movie)
  • Genres: the list of Genres
  • Studio: the studio (or studios) that created the Anime
  • Episodes (only if it is a show) [2]
    • ID: The ID of the episodes
    • Title: The Title of the Episode
    • Aired Date: The date when the episode aired
  • Staff
    • ID: The ID of the Character/Staff on MyAnimeList
    • Name: The Name of the Voice Actor/Actress (in the preferred language) [3]
    • Role: the role that the voice Actor/Actress had
    • Photo: The photo of the Character or Person [4]
  • Additional Images (See Additional Metadata Section below)

Additional Metadata

In addition to the Images provided by MyAnimeList, you can tell the Agent to request more Images from additional sources like TheTVDB and TheMovieDB.

You can choose separately which source you want to use for each Library type (TV-Shows or Movies) or disable it completely. When you want to use this feature you need to create your own API key for those Websites.

See the API Keys Wiki Page how to create your own API Key.

Accepts from other Metadata Agents

The MyAnimeList Metadata Agent also allows you to use other Metadata Agents as Metadata Providers for a library item. The Priority is based on the list in your Server Settings -> Agents

The Currently Accepted Providers are as follows:

Please Note that not every Agent is necessarily compatible with each other


[1] In the Agents settings you can define the language for the Title that should be used. Currently, this can be the Main Title (this is default), English or Japanese.

[2] Episodes aren't necessarily always available and even if they are available they might not have a title or an Aired Date. The Agent will only process available Episodes (the one that have an ID) and will use data that is available.

When there is an Episode that does not have an Aired Date, the Agent will use the current date instead so that the "On deck" feature in Plex still works.

[3] You can configure the language of the Cast so that you only get the cast in your preferred language like Japanese, English, Italian, German, Spanish or French

[4] This is also configurable through the Agent settings in which you can choose if the Photo of the Cast should be the Character Image or the actual VA/staff Photo

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