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learning python

These codes are part of my journey learning python. The repository is under construction and files are moved between folders depending on appropriateness. Unless specified, publically available data are contained in the Data-Use folder. Data not available to the public are available in Ext-Data foler.

Data Wrangling

Opening files

The starting point for learning python is pandas. A small example is given below on opening of file in jupyter notebook. Documentation for pandas can be found at The file also contains illustration about opening of R files in the form of .Rda. You will need to import pyreadr and pyreadr.read_r("name of file.rda"). Xcel files like csv can be opened using pandas. You will need to import pandas as pd then run this line pd.read_csv("name of file.csv").

import pandas as pd
import pyreadr 
pd.read_csv('name of file.csv')

Handling dataframe

Pandas data frame can be merged using pd.concat([file1,file2],axis=1). The line axis=1 indicates that the merge is by columns. Similarly, dropping a column is performed by specifying drop after name of file such as file.drop (['name of column'],axis=1). Selecting a column from data frame can be done by writing file['name of column']. selcting multiple columns require [['name of column1','name of column2']].

Here an example of one hot encoding is provided.

#one hot encoding using pandas
#change one column containing Mon-Sun to a 7 columns of numerical value 1 and 0
weekdays= pd.get_dummies(weekday)

Python uses indent function to identify a block of code. This is different from R where curly brackets {} are used.

Wide vs Long format

Conversion from wide to long format: For the time being the conversion from wide to long format is done in R. see the datawrangling.R file.


There are illustrations with 3 types of plot: seaborn, matplotlib and plotnine-ggplot style. The file Plot shows the different plots with the Fair dataset.The example provided in this library include several datasets include the affairs data by Fair. The raw data can be found at There are illustrations of histogram and scatter plot.


The seaborn plot is shown.

import seaborn as sns
#tsne_df is a data frame with columns X, Y, Disability
sns.scatterplot(x="X", y="Y",

Seaborn scatter plot


The same plot is shown using matplotlib.

import matplotlib as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(tsne_obj [:,0], tsne_obj[:,1], c=y)
ax.set_xlabel('tsne_obj [:,0] ')
ax.set_ylabel('tsne_obj [:,1] ')
ax.set_title("TSNE") #plt calls the matplotlib

Matplotlib scatter plot


The plotnine plot is shown. This is a ggplot style in python and requires matplotlib.

from plotnine import *  
(ggplot (df)
 + geom_point(aes('X ', 'Y',color='factor(Disability)',shape='factor(Akmed)'))

ggplot style scatter plot

Flow diagram

A file for creating flow is provided. It uses pydot which interfaces with graphviz. Graphviz needs to be installed separately and the path set under environment C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz\bin

Regression models

Discrete Choice Model

The Statsmodel library is used to find the marginal effect for logit model (./Epilepsy/ChoiceModel/DCM_practice.ipynb). The example provided in this library include several datasets include the affairs data by Fair. The raw data can be found at . There are several other methods for discrete choice modelling within Statsmodel including probit sm.Probit and multinomial logistic sm.MNLogit. Other python libraries include pylogit, biogeme, ChoiceModels from Urban Datascience Toolkit (it uses pylogit).

Machine learning

Random Forest

This part focusses on machine learning and use sklearn. Random forest is , a supervised machine learning method related to decision tree analysis, which employed random selection of covariates and patients from the dataset to create multiple trees. This form of ensemble learning utilises ‘wisdom of the crowd’ to create the model. This example illustrates the use of regression with random forest and a plot of observed vs predicted is provided in RFstandfirm.ipynb notebook. An example with random forest classification is provided in the DrivingReg.ipynb notebook. The random forest model is evaluated using the library shap to determine the contribution of the variables to the model. This example comes with demo of creation of GUI for testing new data using the model created by random forest. In this analysis, the SHAP library is used to explain the marginal contribution of the covariates to the model.

random forest


This part focusses on manifold learning and uses sklearn manifold tsne. The T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding example is provided below. The analysis shown here performs a low dimensional representation of the trajectory of stroke severity measurements in thrombectomy trials data. The file DimReduct illustrates PCA versus TSNE.

Geospatial analysis

This part focusses on geospatial analysis and use the osmnx library. The tutorial paper is available here. The Brisbane.ipynb python notebook deals with journey from Westin Hotel to surrounding building within 500 metres radius. A second example uses codes provided from osmnx for examining street network orientation in Australian Capital Cities. The AustCities-Copy1.ipynb note book is available in gh-pages.

Github Flavored Markdown

This document can be seen as a way to write document for viewing on the web especially github. Markdown files are denoted by .md extension and can be viewed similarly on Rstudio or Jupyter. Italics are denoted by _ underscore before and after a word or phrase. There are several differerent ways for adding images: using html tag or using square brackets follow by round brackets. Images can be resized using the html tag with the argument on width and height following src argument. You can also send email by using @ follow by the username. An example would be @GNtem2.


A folder can be iniated using the following commands git init. Use git fetch to download file from github. Git pull update the current head branch from remote folder. Git discusses local as the folder in your directory and remote as the repository in github.

git init 
git remote add origin
git add
git commit -m "update"
git push -u orgin master