On root
npm install
On api folder
composer install
On project root
npm run dev
On folder api
php -S localhost:8080 -t Public
Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the values for the chosen host address.
cp .env.example .env
A config database file is provided in the api folder, in the Config folder, you can change the database configuration there, if you want to use another database.
I've uploaded to the folder postman a exported JSON file with the routes that the api provide, it's simple and straightforward because of the time, but have all working routes are present.
Lint with ESLint
On project root
npm run lint
Don't have a lot of time to work on this project, but I've found some issues that I would like to fix if I had more time.
- Don't have a route for update user.
- Don't have a route for delete user.
- Don't have a route to make a user admin. Need to do it manually on database.
- There some parts at the front end that are only seen by the admin, like the admin page on profile menu.
- The database already have a user with admin privileges, the email is: admin@gmail.com and the password is: administrator.
- I've taken seven days to do this project, but I've worked on it only on weekdays, so I've spent about 40 hours on it.
Authorization: Bearer Token Request Headers: Content-Type application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token Request Headers: Content-Type application/json
Content-Type application/json
"name": "Gabriel D Sousa",
"email": "gabrielramos.email@gmail.com",
"password": "LoremIpsum",
"confirmation": "LoremIpsum"
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": "1",
"name": "Gabriel D. Sousa",
"email": "gabrielramos.email@gmail.com"
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 1
Content-Type application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token
Authorization: Bearer Token
"name": "Alimentício",
"tax": 27
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 1,
"name": "Estética",
"tax": 10
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 2
Authorization: Bearer Token Content-Type application/json
Authorization: Bearer Token
Authorization: Bearer Token
"chart": "{ {product: 5, quantity:12, value:200, tax:42, total:242}, {product: 7, quantity:2, value:25.98, tax:2.72, total:28.70} }",
"value": "225.98",
"tax": "44.72",
"total": "270.70",
"user_id": 28
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 12,
"name": "Cuidados pessoais",
"tax": 22
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 2
Authorization: Bearer Token Content-Type application/json
"id": 1
Authorization: Bearer Token
"name": "Coke",
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor amet.",
"value": 3,
"type_id": 2
Authorization: Bearer Token
"name": "Coke zero",
"description": "Lorem ipsum.",
"value": 9,
"type_id": 3,
"id": 3
Authorization: Bearer Token
"id": 3
"email": "gabrielramos.email@gmail.com",
"password": "LoremIpsum"
Authorization: Bearer Token
"email": "gabrielramos.email@gmail.com"