PU-converter is an easy to use PHP unit converter library for converting S.I units to other compatible unit types. With PU-converter you can easily convert any engineering unit to its different unit types, for example, kilogram to grams, celsius to kelvin, e.t.c. Save your self the math stress and let the PU-converter library handle all conversions for you.
PU-converter allows you to convert any unit to any other compatible unit type.
It has no external dependencies, simply include the library in your project and you're set
PU-converter can handle a wide range of unit types including:
- Length
- Area
- Volume
- Mass
- Speed
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Time
- Energy/Power
- Disk Storage
- Frequency
- Plane Angles
PU-converter can be insatlled using composer
composer require geniusgeeek/pu-converter
To utilize this class, first import puconverter.php into your project, and instantiate it.
include '/path/to/puconverter.php';
use unitConverter\puconverter\PUconverter;
- Create an object of the class for conversion
- The object propeties should be initialised on object creation
- Parameter 1 is the class for conversion, Parameter 2 is the value to be converted, Parameter 3 is the unit to convert, Parameter 4 is the unit to be converted to
- To return the conversion call the method convert()
- All units are to be passed in their SI units/abbreviations, example: kilogram is kg, seconds is s, e.t.c.
- $temperature => new PUconverter("temperature", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Area => new PUconverter("area", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Plane Angles => new PUconverter("angle", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Time => new PUconverter("time", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Volume => new PUconverter("volume", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Speed => new PUconverter("speed", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Length => new PUconverter("length", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Pressure => new PUconverter("pressure", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Mass => new PUconverter("mass", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Frequency => new PUconverter("frequency", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Energy/Power => new PUconverter("energy", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
- Disk Storage => new PUconverter("storage", $value, $fromUnit, $toUnit);
Simple Examples
use unitConverter\puconverter\PUconverter;
$length = new PUconverter("length", 3000, 'km', 'm');
echo $length->convert(); //this converts 3000 kilometers to its equivalent meter
//Returns 3000000 meters
use unitConverter\puconverter\PUconverter;
$time = new PUconverter("time", 1, 'yr', 'week');
echo $time->convert(); // this converts 1 year to its equivalent time in weeks
//returns 52.143 weeks
k => Kelvin
c => celsius
f => fahrenheit
m2 => Square Meter
km2 => Square Kilometer
cm2 => Square Centimeter
mm2 => Square Millimeter
ft2 => Square Foot
mi2 => Square Mile
ac => Acre
ha => hectare
l => Litre
ml => Millilitre
m3 => Cubic Meter
gal => Gallon
oz => fluid ounces
ft3 => cubic feet
cm3 => cubic centi meter
kg => Kilogram
g => Gram
mg => Milligram
lb => Pound
t => Tonne
mps => Meters per Second
kph => Kilometers Per Hour
mph => Miles Per Hour
knots => Knots
Planes Angles
deg => Degrees
rad => Radian
grad => gradian
pa => Pascal
kpa => kilopascal
mpa => MegaPascal
bar => Bar
mbar => Millibar
psi => Pound-force per square inch
s => Second
yr => Year
month => Month
week => Week
day => Day
hr => Hour
min => Minute
ms => Millisecond
dec => decade
cen => century
j => Joule
kj => Kilojoule
gcal => Gram calorie
whr => Watt Hour
kwhr => Kilowatt Hour
ev => Electronvolt
kcal => kilocalorie
Disk Storage
bit => bit
byte => byte
kb => kilobyte
mb => megabyte
gb => gigabyte
tb => terabyte
pb => petabyte
hz => hertz
khz => kilo hertz
mhz => mega hertz
ghz => giga hertz
m - Meter
km - Kilometer
cm - Centimeter
mm - Millimeter
um - Micrometer
nm - Nanometer
in - Inch
ft - Foot
yd - Yard
mi - Mile
Initial work- Gracious Emmanuel
Ordago: https://github.com/ordago
Please, read the contributing.md to see contributing process, code of conduct and pull request process.