Killstats for Corporations & Alliances, Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame, etc.
- Graphical Overview
- Corporation & Alliance Overview
- Kills/Losses
- Main Character and Alts combined (explanation)
- Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame
- Killstats like Top Kill, Top Killer, Top Loss, Alltime Killer, etc.
- Top 10 list for each Month
- Filtering Settings for each Corporation / Alliance
- Administration Access for specific Corps or Alliances
AA Killstats needs at least Alliance Auth v4.0.0 Please make sure to update your Alliance Auth before you install this APP
- Ledger needs the app django-eveuniverse to function. Please make sure it is installed.
Make sure you're in your virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth then install the pakage.
pip install aa-killstats
Configure your Alliance Auth settings (
) as follows:
- Add
To set up the Scheduled Tasks add following code to your
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["killstats_killmail_fetch"] = {
"task": "killstats.tasks.killmail_fetch_all",
"schedule": crontab(minute=0, hour="*/1"),
python collectstatic
python migrate
With the Following IDs you can set up the permissions for the KILLSTATS
ID | Description | |
basic_access |
Can access this app, Killstats. | All Members with the Permission can access the Killstats App. |
admin_access |
Has access to all killstats. | Has access to all Killstats Views, Can add Corporation/Alliance. |
The Following Settings can be setting up in the
Setting | Configuration(default) | Description |
"YOURNAME" ("Killstats") |
Set the name of the APP. |
True / False (False) |
Set to use own Logger File. |
5 (10) |
Set Cache Lifetime for Killstats in Minutes. |
If you set up KILLSTATS_LOGGER_USE to True
you need to add the following code below:
"handlers": {
"killstats_file": {
"level": "INFO",
"class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
"filename": os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "log/killstats.log"),
"formatter": "verbose",
"maxBytes": 1024 * 1024 * 5,
"backupCount": 5,
"loggers": {
"killstats": {
"handlers": ["killstats_file", "console"],
"level": "INFO",
Contributing You want to improve the project? Just Make a Pull Request with the Guidelines. We Using pre-commit