First initialize the messaging client using your username and password:
sms_connector =, password)
An exception will be thrown if your username and/or password are incorrect.
Prepare the message:
sms =
sms.sender_address = '38598123456'
sms.address = destination_address
sms.message = 'Test message'
sms.callback_data = 'Any string'
Send the message:
result = sms_connector.send_sms(sms)
# Store the client correlator to be able to query for the delivery status later:
client_correlator = result.client_correlator
Later you can query for the delivery status of the message:
delivery_status = sms_connector.query_delivery_status(client_correlator)
Possible statuses are: DeliveredToTerminal, DeliveryUncertain, DeliveryImpossible, MessageWaiting and DeliveredToNetwork.
Same as with the standard messaging example, but when preparing your message:
sms =
sms.sender_address = '38598123456'
sms.address = '38598123456'
sms.message = 'Test message'
sms.callback_data = 'Any string'
sms.notify_url = "http://#{public_ip_address}:#{port}"
When the delivery notification is pushed to your server as a HTTP POST request, you must process the body of the message with the following code:
delivery_info = InfobipApi::SmsClient.unserialize_delivery_status(body)
If you want to send message with special characters, this is how you prepare your message:
#Create Language object
language =
#set specific language code
language.language_code = 'TR'
#use single shift table for specific language ('false' or 'true')
language.use_single_shift = true
#use locking shift table for specific language ('false' or 'true')
language.use_locking_shift = false
sms =
sms.sender_address = '38598123456'
sms.address = destination_address
sms.message = 'Some text in Turkish'
sms.callback_data = 'Any string'
sms.language = language
Currently supported languages (with their language codes) are: Spanish - "SP"
, Portuguese - "PT"
, Turkish - "TR"
To test the library, run :
API_USERNAME="Toto" API_PASSWORD="Titi" bundle exec ruby test/test.rb
API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD must be valid account credentials for the Infobip API. For more information, go to
You must also provide a text file containing sms numbers where you can receive messages (one by line) :
echo "33123456789" > test-numbers.txt
echo "33012345678" >> test-numbers.txt
These numbers must be in international format (used by the API).
This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0