Visit my Portfolio site hosted by Vercel.
- 🧠 My personality type is: ENFJ-A (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, and Assetive traits) -> What's Yours?
- 🌴 I graduated the Coding Dojo Full Stack development bootcamp in 2022
- 💞️ Always open to opportunities for collaboration on projects to earn key experiences with development
- 🔥 Currently refining my knowledge of Rust as I work on my CLI assistant and trying to reset all my global configuriations to my hearts desire!
- 💪🏼 2024 Goals:
- Finish up straggling projects 💀
- Work with Java and Rust for project(strict static typing 😍)
- Get a job within the Tech industry! (👀👀 Costco is that you?!? 👀👀)
- 🖥️ I’m interested in computers, sports, people, the outdoors, and ANIMALSS!!
- 📫 Reach me by email at:
View all the languages, frameworks, and tech that I have worked with and have an understanding of.
Check out some of the main projects I have completed
- Project documentation is in the works
- There are more projects on my gitHub that will slowly be added here
- Site with the '🖥️' link have a deployment that the link leads to