Right now our select is bound with AntD library and this is not good, but at least it works as we need it at our search form project: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/recipe-search-react
Simple project where i'm testing how this component work: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/selects
we also have a separated repo for just testing this selects: https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/selects/blob/master/src/components/SearchForm/SelectContainer.js
and our meal form that we has right now at #23 and move later to recipe-box project is: https://github.com/GroceriStar/react-only-intern-23 & https://github.com/ChickenKyiv/recipe-box
we also can try to combine our meal form at separated calendar plugin in order to test that everything is working fine https://github.com/GroceriStar/calendar
answer the question - can we have this package build without having AntD as dependencies here???
I want to make a 2 versions of this component: clean, without any markup
and version that work with antd select - which is our current ui library and version with react-select - which we trying to use, but it was hard for me to make it work for our case....
Hierarhy is:
- GroupedElements
- SelectContainer
SelectContainer uses AntD design.
ReactSelectWrapper uses React-select module
add ability to call components like ~"name/%Component_Folder%" == "name/Component_Folder/Component_name" at babel config
test how Creatable will handle a disabled flag(i assume ok, but we don't know it)
handle ingredients case - when you have 13000 items - and it's better to fetch them dynamically