This project is focused in develop a Web MVC application using node.js, mysql and related technologies. It consists of a client facing web application that users can connect to in order to see the products being sold and make purchases, a dashboard frontend application that the employees can use to perform CRUD operations on the product catalog of the application, and a backend server that will be used to host api endpoints and the database to store all the information.
After cloning this repository, excute the folowing commands to test it:
- Installing dependencies:
npm install
- Configure your .env file:
Create a ".env" file on this project's root based on the file ".env.example"
- Create a database (with mysql already installed and configured in your computer):
mysql > CREATE DATABASE ecommerce;
- Populating the database:
npm run database
- Starting the server (on port specified in the .env file):
npm run node
The "database script" populates some users on DB with different roles. Use the following examples:
- Regular user
password: 123456
- Employee
password: 123456
- Admin
password: 123456