This project builds and runs, but Android Studio cannot find anything within the com.stripe.stripeterminal package. This problem is happening on Windows and macOS in Android Studio 3.5.1. I used previous versions of Stripe Terminal prior to 1.0.0. This problem happened after updating from a beta version of the Stripe Terminal library to the 1.0.0 release version.
Here is what I'm seeing on both of my computers:
If I change the version to 1.0.0-rc1, the problem goes away.
I've tried:
- File > Invalidating Caches / Restart
- Deleting .idea and build/ directories and reimporting the project.
- gradlew cleanBuildCache
- Deleting %USER_HOME%.gradle/caches/ (Windows) or $HOME/.gradle/caches/ (macOS)
- Build > Clean, Build > Rebuild
- Several combinations of the above.