findTheHoles is a 2D mesh reconstruction tool which automatically identifies holes in a point cloud.
- XY= Nx2 matrix with point coordinates.
Optional arguments:
- S = Critical area ratio (real and positive number). Knots with a value higher than the ratio of maximum to minimum neighbouring polygon area are identified as hole-border points. Default value is 3.
- M = Flag for manual editing. Default value is 0.
- 0: No manual editing.
- 1: Manual editing of hole-border points. After the first calculation a figure with the point cloud is opened. Automatically recognized points are marked with an 'x'. The user can add/remove not/wrongly recognized border points selecting them with the brush and clicking the appropiate button.
- T = Triangulation (Nx3 matrix with polygon vertices). If not given the delaunay triangulation of X,Y is used.
- triangulation
- .Points: nx2 matrix with points' coordinates.
- .ConnectivityList: nx3 matrix with the triangulation polygons.
- holes: Cell array. Each cell element is an nx1 matrix with ordered hole border point indices.
- triangulation
To identify the holes a triangulation of the points cloud is needed. If none is given, the delaunay triangulation is used. Points where the ratio between maximum and minimum neighbouring polygon area exceeds a critical value are identified as hole-border points. Polygons for which all vertices are identified as hole-border points are deleted. The adjacency matrix of the resulting mesh is clustered to get the holes.
The clustering algorithm isn't fully developed yet and has issues with interconnected holes among others.
See file examples_findTheHoles.m