The scheduler component is a web component that makes it easy to create highly customizable calendar to manage and schedule events. The scheduler is built using polymer 2.0 which uses ES 6 and implements custom element specification V1.
The aim of this project is to demonstrate how to integrate Web components within an existing angular 2+ application. More specificaly, this application uses the inside an angular tempalte component.
Moreover, The goal is to show you how a polymer web component can be interoperable with angular.
This application is deployed on firebase. Click here to check the live demo.
In the next section, I will illustrate the required setup in order to integrate a Web component within an Angular application.
- I want to use Custom elements
The first step is to tell angular that you are going to use custom elements which are not part of angular application. To do so the angular module in which a web component will be used must add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to the schema Array.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule,CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Without the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Angular check will fail when an unknown Html element is found in component's template.
- Install A Web component
In web components land, Bower is the recommended way to manage components. In order to use a web component from the store of custom elements, we need to configure bower to be used with Angular CLI.
First of all, bower must be installed and a bower init will be needed in order to be able to install elements later.
We will consider bower_components as assets of our angular application. Thus, angular CLI and precisely Webpack will bundle the elements with the main application. Fortuantly, bower install destination can be configured. You need to create a file in the project root with .bowerrc as a name, then inside this file we will tell bower to add the installed components in angular's assets folder :
"directory" : "src/assets/bower_components"
- Start using your Web component
Now that we have paved the way to use web components inside our angular application, it's time to go the store of custom elelemnts and pick one.
Let's say that we are looking for a component to schedule and manage events, a component that will allow us to focus on the business logic rather than building the UI from scratch. So we are going to pick the scheduler-component. In order to use this element inside our application, we need to install it first. As we have discussed, bower is the package manager in webcomponents land :
bower install --save HaithemMosbahi/scheduler-component
After running the command above, you will notice the presence of new celements in your assets folder. Those are related to the scheduler-component.
Finally, we are ready to use our custom element within angular template:
<h2>Scheduler component Demo</h2>
That's all 😄. Now, in order to build a more advanced scheduler, you need to take a look at the scheduler-component documentation : attributes, the API and events.∏
MIT © Haithem Mosbahi