This project incorporates the machine learning algorithm of Decision Tree in classifying the personalities of the people. For this project we used a dataset of 350 people for training our Decision Tree. The datatset consisted of the results generated after people gave personalities test on This project was developed and deployed on IBM Bluemix platform.
We also created our own test to predict the personality of people. For this we designed a webpage hosting 50 different questions to be answered by the people with values ranging from 1 to 5 (both limits included). A second option was also provided if they already had their test scores.They could simply enter their scores on another webpage and then the final result would be displayed depending upon their test class.
Python was used as the backend language for handling the data coming from front end and to perform calculation on the incoming data. Different frameworks were also used like Sklearn, Numpy, Flask (to link the html with python), Pandas and Scippy.
This project is a joint contribution of:
Hardik Gaur ( Parth Trehan (
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