- Form Handling in A or B param on a same input field in GraphQL with Destructuring JSON Object in Nested-Complex, at client.
- Retrieve Data from server of Strapi with GraphQL methods. Strapi is the Data Control Panel in MySQL based.
- Added Delete Feature of Component on SearchResult.jsx to delete data via GraphQL on Data Control Panel of Strapi (server) in MySQL based.
- Lifted Status of Deletion if failed or successfully executed.
- Form Page Data (Param) Submission Handling SearchForm.jsx
- Retrieve Result Component of Search SearchResult.jsx
- Redirect Component of Clicked-Button-Submission FormHandler.jsx
- Data Loader of Apollo Clientbe used at DataRoutes.jsx ClientApollo.jsx
- Deletion Component to be exported onto SearchResult.jsx file DeletionFeature.jsx
- Query of GraphQL to determine retrieve result for SearchResult.jsx file queries.jsx
- Mutation Query of GraphQL to determine delete result for SearchResult.jsx file mutations.jsx
- GraphQL Query & Mutation methods are determined from Apollo Sandbox Explorer
- useState, useParams, useLoaderData, useEffect, useNavigate, useQuery, ApolloClient
- prop-types, useMutation, refetch() @useQuery
- client with Apollo Client of GraphQL
- server with Strapi in GraphQL Server and in MySQL based
- HTTPS https://github.com/HeisUser/project-react-router.git
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh