A game engine being built in C++ and OpenGL 4.6
I'm making this engine as a learning exercise. As such I probably won't be accepting any pull requests.
(That is if someone somehow finds this repository lol)
- glfw: For Windowing, Creating OpenGL Context, Input handling, etc.
- glad: For accessing OpenGL functions.
- stb:
- stb_image for loading images.
- stb_truetype for loading ttf fonts
- miniaudio: For audio
First clone the repo using the command
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Hemanth3303/Hart.git
Then cd to that directory
cd Hart
Then follow the instructions for your os
- Windows
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build -j6
cd .\build\Debug
- Linux
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build -j6
cd ./build/Debug
You can also use any of the predefined cmake presets, use cmake --list-presets
to view them.
- SpriteSheet: RPG_Base
- Music: CriticalTheme
Heavily inspired by the TheCherno's Sparky Engine series and Hazel Game Engine series
The font rendering was implemented based on tutorial and code in this article.