Author: Tomáš Vojík <>
- assets - frontend files go here
- scss - all css files
- js - all js files
- config - Configuration files
- docs - generated documentation - html
- include - core PHP files
- languages - translation files (gettext)
- logs - log files
- private - Hidden configuration files (db connection)
- routes - Route definitions
- src - main app source files:
namespace- Controllers - Defined controllers
- Core - App\Core namespace
- Exceptions - Custom exceptions
- Models - Defined models
- Logging - Logger
- Tools - Other helper classes
- temp - temporary files generated by the app
- templates - Latte templates
- tests - Unit tests
- vendor - libraries
- PHP version - 8.0^
- Charset - UTF-8
- Line break - Unix
- Indent - Tab
- Tab size - 4
- Variable naming scheme - camelCase
- Constant naming scheme - UPPERCASE_SNAKE_CASE
- Function naming scheme - camelCase
- Function / method declaration
function functionName(...$arg) { // Code }
- PHP array -
See: Gitmoji
- ⬆️ - Update dependencies
- 🎨 - Formatting update
- ⚡️ - Performance update
- 🔥 - Code or file deletion
- 🐛 - Bugfix
- 🚀 - Deploy next version
- ✅ - Testing
- 💄 - Style and visual update
- ♻️ - Refactor code
- 📄 - Documentation or license update
All libraries are installed using Composer.
- Dibi - database connection library
- Nette - Utils, Caching, Safe-stream, Mail
- Latte - Templating
- Tracy - Debugging and logs
- PHPUnit - Unit testing PHP
- Tournament generator
First, you need to set up the app's config file.
Copy the /private/config_dummy.ini
file to /private/config.ini
and change the necessary DB connection configuration.
Then, install the application by calling:
$ composer install-app
This will install all dependencies, build webpack assets (css and js), create all DB tables and seed it with starting data.
Lastly, you can start the PHP server with:
$ composer serve
(You don't have to start the server if you have Apache setup already)
Docs are written as phpdoc / doxygen style comments and generated using Doxygen.
$ doxygen
$ composer docs
$ composer build
Installs composer dependencies, installs npm dependencies, builds webpack assets.
$ composer build-production
Installs composer dependencies, installs npm dependencies, builds webpack assets and removes dev-dependencies.
$ composer install-app
Runs composer build
and installs database - creating DB tables and seeding some data.
$ php install.php [fresh]
Installs database - creating DB tables and seeding some data. If argument fresh
is given, current tables are dropped
and the database is cleared before installing.
$ composer test
Runs unit tests.
$ composer serve
Starts PHP server on port 8000
$ composer docs
Generates doxygen API docs.
$ npm run build
Builds webpack assets in production mode.
$ npm run build-dev
Builds webpack assets in development mode.
$ npm run watch
Builds webpack assets. Watches assets changes and auto-builds on save.
All libraries are installed using Composer.
$ composer install
Front-end dependencies are managed by npm and Webpack .
Install all npm packages:
$ npm install
Run webpack (pack all js and css)
$ npm run build
PHPUnit is installed as a developer dependency using ** Composer**.
$ composer test
All pages have a defined class in App\Controllers
namespace containing all logic, and a latte template file containing
all HTML in templates folder.
Custom Latte tags and filters are defined in config/latte.php
@link pages-page Pages creation documentation @endlink
There are 3 ways of translating text in latte templates.
{lang('Text to translate')}
{lang 'Text to translate'}
There is also a Latte alternative to App::getLink method
{link ['path', 'to', 'parse', 'param' => 'value']}
Returns a base (root) URL of the site.
Cross-site-scripting protection is implemented using latte helper functions.
Returns a general purpose CSRF token.
{csrfInput $name}
Returns a generated html input[type=hidden]
containing a CSRF token. $name
is preferably the name of the form, or
any other identifier.
Checks if the given hash is valid.
Checks if hash for sent form exists and is valid.
Middleware can be attached to a Route or Controller on setup. CSRFCheck middleware checks if there is a valid CSRF token and returns an error otherwise. CSRF form name is equal to route's path.
// routes/web.php
use \App\Core\Routing\Route;
use \App\Controllers\Test;
use \App\Core\Middleware\CSRFCheck;
Route::get('/test', [Test::class, 'show']);
Route::post('/test', [Test::class, 'send'])->middleware(new CSRFCheck());
// src/Controllers/Test.php
namespace \App\Controllers;
use \Lsr\Core\Requests\Request;
class Test extends \Lsr\Core\Controller {
public function show() {
public function send(Request $request) {
// Process form here
{* templates/pages/test/index.latte *}
{layout '../../@layout.latte'}
{define content}
<form action="{link ['test']}">
{csrfInput 'test'}
{* Rest of the form here... *}
<button type="submit">Send</button>