A simple cli tool to look up Japanese words using jisho.org's API. Additionally, searching for kanji by radicals and browsing tatoeba's database of example sentences is also available.
Binaries are directly available from the release tab.
Download source and run
make release
sudo make install
A readline wrapper like rlwrap
is strongly recommended if using ykdt
interactively (-i or empty input).
ykdt [<words to look up>]
ykdt :[<radicals in kanji>]
ykdt _[<expressions in sentences>]
When looking up kanji, * (or *) can be used to add a radical that can't be easily typed, e.g. 气.
Dictionary definitions retrieved using jisho's API.
To search kanji by radicals, the radkfile needs to be installed in either ~/.local/share/
on Linux or ~\AppData\Local\
on Windows.
Kanji stroke information extracted from kanjidic2.
Example sentences taken from tatoeba.