Chest protection plugin for Bukkit/Spigot.
- UUID Ready
- Command tab complete
- Compatibility with legacy commands(e.g. /cprivate)
- Easy to use
- ActionBar message
- Multiple locale support
- Barrel, ShulkerBox available
- API available
- Download this plugin.
- drop in plugins directory.
- Server start.
- config edit.
- reload.
Please use ChestSafe-Converter.
Command | Description | Permission | Default |
/chestsafe private | Create private protection. | chestsafe.create.private | ALL |
/chestsafe public | Create public protection. | chestsafe.create.public | ALL |
/chestsafe flag | Specify a flag for protection. | chestsafe.flag.* | ALL |
/chestsafe remove | Remove protection. | chestsafe.remove | ALL |
/chestsafe info | Display protection information. | | ALL |
/chestsafe member | Add/Remove protection members. | chestsafe.member | ALL |
/chestsafe transfer | Change protection owner. | chestsafe.transfer | ALL |
/chestsafe persist | Perform operations permanently. | chestsafe.persist | ALL |
/chestsafe cleanup | Delete protection of nonexistent blocks. | chestsafe.cleanup | OP |
/chestsafe reload | Reload config. | chestsafe.reload | OP |
/chestsafe version | Show version and check new version | chestsafe.version | OP |
/chestsafe help | Show helps. | N/A | ALL |
Flag | Description | Permission |
hopper | Hopper will be available | chestsafe.flag.hopper |
explosion | It will be destroyed by an explosion | chestsafe.flag.explosion |
fire | It will burn down | |
redstone | Redstone will be available | |
mob | Destruction by MOB becomes possible | chestsafe.flag.mob |
Permission | Description | Default |
chestsafe.notice | Protection information will be displayed automatically | ALL |
chestsafe.passthrough | Can operate a chest that is not yours. | OP |
Command | Alias |
/c | /chestsafe |
/lock | /chestsafe private |
/unlock | /chestsafe remove |
/cprivate | /chestsafe private |
/cpublic | /chestsafe public |
/cremove | /chestsafe remove |
/cinfo | /chestsafe info |
/cmodify | /chestsafe member modify |
/cpersist | /chestsafe persist |
/chopper | /chestsafe flag hopper |
/callowexplosions | /chestsafe flag explosion |
/ctnt | /chestsafe flag explosion |
/cfire | /chestsafe flag fire |
/credstone | /chestsafe flag redstone |
/cmob | /chestsafe flag mob |
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
private ChestSafe chestSafe;
public void onEnable() {
// get plugin
Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("ChestSafe");
if(plugin == null || !plugin.isEnabled()) {
// not available
getLogger().warning("ChestSafe is not available.");
this.chestSafe = (ChestSafe) plugin;
public void usage(Block block) {
// get
Optional<Protection> protection = chestSafe.getRepository().get(block);
// set
Protection newProtection = Protection.newProtection();