1894 bytes of minified code. Supports heading, paragraphs, code, lists, horizontal rules, bold/italic/del, links and images.
var nmd = require('nano-markdown');
// <p>test</p>
// customizable links
nmd.href = function (ref) {
switch (ref.charAt(0)) {
case '#':
return '/case/'+ref.substr(1);
case '@':
return '/commit/'+ref.substr(1);
return ref;
console.log(nmd('test\n* [case #44](#44)\n* [commit 750945c](@750945c)'));
// <p>test</p>\n<ul><li><a href='/case/44'>case #44</a></li><li><a href='/commit/750945c'>commit 750945c</a></li></ul>
// customizable headers attributes
nmd.headAttrs = function (level, text) {
return ' id=\''+text.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/ig, '_').replace(/_{2,}/g, '_').replace(/^_*(.*?)_*$/, '$1').toLowerCase()+'\'';
console.log(nmd('# Header text'));
// <h1 id='header_text'>Header text</h1>
# foo
## foo
### foo
#### foo
##### foo
###### foo
# foo ############################
## foo ###########################
### foo ##########################
#### foo #########################
##### foo ########################
###### foo #######################
![image alt text](/images/picture.jpg)
![image alt text](/images/picture.jpg "image title text")
[link text](http://github.com)
[open link in new window](+http://github.com)
[link with title](http://github.com "title text")
__bold__, **bold**
_italic_, *italic*
~~deleted text~~
- - - -
-- -- -- -- --
* unordered list
1. ordered list
1. ordered list
1. ordered list
1. ordered list
* unordered list
// Four spaces indented text
var count = 1000;
while (--count) {
console.log('Wow %d!', count);