The second half of the Astor4Android.
Kayque de S. Teixeira -
Celso G Camilo-Junior -
Install Android SDK, JDK 1.8 and Maven.
Set the environment variables ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME.
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/Android/Sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/jdk1.8.0_131
Clone the AstorWorker repository and compile it using Maven:
git clone
cd astorworker
mvn clean compile
Go to the tools/bin folder:
cd $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
Get the system image list:
./sdkmanager --list --verbose | grep "system-image"
Select a system image version of your preference from the list.
Example of a system image: system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86_64
Download the system image:
./sdkmanager "system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86_64"
Create the AVD:
./avdmanager create avd --force -n 'AVDNAME' -k 'system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86_64'
Where AVDNAME is a name of your choice.
To start the headless emulator, run these commands:
`export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none`
`cd $ANDROID_HOME/tools`
`sudo -b ./emulator -avd AVDNAME -no-skin -no-window -no-boot-anim`
To stop the headless emulator, run this command:
`sudo printf 'auth %s\nkill\n' $(sudo cat ~/.emulator_console_auth_token) | netcat localhost 5554`
AstorWorker has the following command line arguments:
Argument | Description |
hostip | IP of the host machine that is running Astor4Android. |
hostport | Port used to locate the Astor4Android instance at the host. |
workerip | IP of the machine the AstorWorker is going to execute. |
workerport | Port used to locate the AstorWorker instance at it's machine. |
androidsdk | Location of the Android SDK folder. Usually this argument is set to $ANDROID_HOME. |
To run AstorWorker, run this command (replacing <arguments>
with the actual arguments):
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astorworker.main.AstorWorker -Dexec.args="<arguments>"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astorworker.main.AstorWorker -Dexec.args="-androidsdk $ANDROID_HOME -hostip -hostport 6665 -workerip -workerport 6666"
There's a script called "run" inside the main folder that can be used as a template for a script that starts an instance of AstorWorker.