This is a chip8 emulator that i wrote in C++. It's finished but not thoroughly tested, so some roms may not fully work properly (res roms/
for some tested roms that you can play).
Specify which rom you would like to load as a command line argument
./chip8 [rom]
If you don't specify a rom, it will default to DEFAULT_ROM
With SDL2 installed, run make all
. If you get any errors, you may have to change the LINKER_FLAGS
in the else block.
This has only been tested on MacOS, so i'm not 100% sure if it works on linux, and if it doesn't it should just be a matter of changing the makefile (the build process is very simple so it shouldn't be too hard).
MinGW is required to build on windows.
- Install MinGW if you have not already
- Install the MinGW-w64 toolchain (see this article)
- follow the install instructions for installing SDL2 for MinGW (see this article).
- in the Makefile change the windows
to your MinGWinclude