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Troubleshooting (Common problems resolved).

CoolCat467 edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 6 revisions


Hello ^w^ welcome to the troubleshooting guide! If something goes wrong, check out THIS guide!

Downloading... failed!

If you see error like this, please head to this page instead.

Other installation errors

If you install MineOS, with a error, follow these intructions!

  1. Did you use OpenOS pastebin and it failed, Head to 2. If you used open OS wget, head to 3. If you had a problem during the MineOS installer, head to 5.

  2. Let's use wget. Type wget -f /tmp/bios.lua && flash -q /tmp/bios.lua && reboot in your OpenOS terminal. If this didn't work, try putting in a network card, and redoing the Troubleshooter! If you STILL have problems, head too 4.

  3. Let's use pastebin instead. pastebin run PDE3eVsL in the OpenOS terminal, will run the installer, if this doesn't work, do you have a internet card? If you do, and still having issues, head to 4.

  4. This seems to be a external issue, Try creating a GitHub issue.

  5. Do you have enough disk space? If not, upgrade your disk space. Did you modify your eeprom? Try using LUA bios. Are you meeting the requirements? (If you don't know them, scroll all the way down too the end of the troubleshooter. If all of these still fail too work, Try creating a issue on GitHub!

"Ran out of memory" (Beep sound!)

If you ran out of memory, a IDE will show up with a beep sound. Let's fix this together!

  1. Are you using lua 5.3? Head too 2. If you are not, head too 3.

  2. Try setting your CPU too lua 5.3 (Shift right click the cpu in your hotbar, or, go too MineOS settings and change it under "System".

  3. Do you meet the minimum requirements? (What are they? Check the end of the trouble shooter!)

If all of this fails, please, make sure you are meeting the minimum requirements, if there is STILL a problem, create a Github issue.

Apps causing system too crash

MineOS can't fix this, you will need too contact the app author,

Help! My friend installed a so-called 'virus'.

This is something we can't resolve. Please, go ahead and contact the owner of the virus. (and tell your friend he/she is rude! >:( )

MineOS loads indefinitely

Please, meet the minimum requirements!

MineOS community

At the moment, The owner of MineOS is IgorTimofeev, and can be found on VK! IgorTimofeev Maybe, a discord server soon?

Appstore updates, take ages?


I messed around with the eeprom, I boot into OpenOS?

Yep! Happened too me too ;) Here is what you need to do, we need too flash the MineOS eeprom, back into place. Here is how we do that. wget -f bios.lua Hit enter! Then, flash bios.lua Hit y, hit enter, and reboot. Hopefully, it's all good!

My issue wasn't listed here?

Create a issue, and I'll see what I can do!


There is no official requirements (from my research.) So here is what I recommend!

  • 1 Tier 3 CPU
  • 2 Tier 3 Memory
  • Network Card
  • 1 Tier 3 Graphics Card
  • 1 Keyboard
  • 1 Tier 3 Monitor
  • 1 Tier 3 Computer-Case
  • OpenOS already installed
  • LuaBIOS