With this project, you can see the current reading of your water, gas, or electricity meter from my app. From it you can also see the previous readings of the meter on the chart. I made my project based on AI-on-the-edge-device. I made it so that the meter readings are not sent to the MQTT server, but are stored in the Firebase Realtime Database. Besides, I improved the HTML pages for the Web server and made them prettier. Below is my video about this project on YouTube.
In general, you can learn how to flash the firmware from the original repository, but to understand the project, I will describe this in my repository.
To flash firmware using esptool in python, first install esptool.
pip install esptool
Then connect the ESP32-CAM board via USB-UART converter and use this command to clear the flash memory.
esptool.py.exe erase_flash
After that, open a command prompt in the "firmware" folder and enter command below.
esptool.py.exe write_flash 0x01000 bootloader.bin 0x08000 partitions.bin 0x10000 firmware.bin
Open the "wlan.ini" file from the "micro-sd-content" folder and specify the name and password of your WiFi network. Then format your Micro SD card with FAT32 file system and copy all files from "micro-sd-content" folder to Micro SD.
I also created a project on the Firebase platform. I have used the following Firebase tools: