Infrastructure for deploying the group-internal jira and confluence server with ssl encryption.
- The package docker-ce and docker-compose need to be installed
- Resolve all ToDo's
- Create the directory /data with mkdir
- Make sure ports 80 and 443 are open on the firewall.
- In the docker-compose.yml set the mysql root user password. (Once for the mysql service and once for the phpMyAdmin service)
- In the traefik.toml first activate uncomment the [web.auth.basic] section and add a user with a hashed password. This will secure the traefik dashboard via htaccess from unauthorized access. Set the value of the email in the [acme] section as this is required by let's encrypt certificate creation.
Change into the directory of this github repository and run docker-compose up -d This will download and run all docker containers. Now you only need to setup Jira and Confluence as usual.
- Make a backup of the /data directory
- run the script. This will automatically pull the newest available version of Jira and Confluence.