An action filter that lets you allow or deny actions based on the visitors location.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require --prefer-dist degordian/yii2-geofencing "~1.0"
or add
"degordian/yii2-geofencing": "~1.0"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, add it to your controller
public function behaviors() {
return [
'class' => GeoIpAccessControl::class,
'isoCodes' => ['HR', 'SI', 'RS'], //ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code
'filterMode' => GeoIpFilterMode::ALLOW, //allows only if you are listed in isoCodes,
#'filterMode' => GeoIpFilterMode::DENY //allows only if you are not listed in isoCodes
'getIp' => function() {
//you can provide a custom function used to get the clients IP
//defaults to Yii::$app->request->getUserIP()
'getIsoCode' => function($ip) {
//you can provide a custom function used to get the iso code from the clients IP
//by default uses lysenkobv/yii2-geoip
'message' => 'The message to display if the content is denied'
Since this extends ActionFilter, you can use 'only' and 'except' to fine tune the geofencing criteria