A simple program that sends/edits messages saved in the config file
This program was created to help with sending messages to a slack channel within Task Scheduler or other automation tools that can run executables.
- Download the latest release from the releases page
- Clone
and rename it toconfig.yaml
and fill in the necessary information - Run the program
Provides a list of commands that can be used including the ones created in the config:
./SlackMessenger.exe -help
Run the program with the command you want to use:
./SlackMessenger.exe -<ActionName>
The only default command provided is -delete
which deletes the message saved in the config file
token: XXXX # Slack API bot token
channel_id: XXXX # Slack channel ID
last_message_timestamp: "" # Timestamp shown in console when print_timestamp_for_config: true is set in an action
- key: "value" # Global placeholders that can be used in all actions use them with {gp.<key>}
- name: action1 # the name of the action used when calling the program
description: "Description of the action" # Description of the action shown in the help command
markdown_text: "Text to send" # Text to send to the channel
print_timestamp_for_config: true # Prints the timestamp of this message sent to the console
is_edit_only: true # If true this action can only edit the last message saved in the config
is_send_only: true # If true this action can only send a message and not edit
- SEND_MESSAGE: "https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage" # Slack API URL to send a message
- EDIT_MESSAGE: "https://slack.com/api/chat.update" # Slack API URL to edit a message
- DELETE_MESSAGE: "https://slack.com/api/chat.delete" # Slack API URL to delete a message