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Hashing Comparison ~30% speedup

Jeremy edited this page Jun 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

Changing from std::unordered_map to robin_hood_hashing


Using std::unordered_map

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 6 tests --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms)                 Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev              Median               IQR            Outliers       OPS
     Rounds  Iterations
test_bad_convex_hull           3.1802 (1.0)        5.4155 (1.0)        3.7996 (1.0)      0.4428 (1.0)        3.5658 (1.0)      0.7449 (1.0)          49;1  263.1840 (1.0)
        168           1
test_building2                 5.3337 (1.68)       8.1387 (1.50)       6.5479 (1.72)     0.5568 (1.26)       6.5675 (1.84)     0.7695 (1.03)         51;1  152.7203 (0.58)
        145           1
test_building1                 5.3412 (1.68)       7.6504 (1.41)       6.1408 (1.62)     0.4819 (1.09)       6.2471 (1.75)     0.8273 (1.11)         58;0  162.8440 (0.62)
        146           1
test_100k_array_alpha        291.4291 (91.64)    298.4004 (55.10)    296.2097 (77.96)    2.8412 (6.42)     297.6569 (83.47)    3.2006 (4.30)          1;0    3.3760 (0.01)
          5           1
test_100k_array_lmax         292.9778 (92.12)    300.1430 (55.42)    296.8278 (78.12)    2.7852 (6.29)     297.8121 (83.52)    3.9510 (5.30)          2;0    3.3690 (0.01)
          5           1
test_100k_array_xyThresh     294.5387 (92.62)    306.8192 (56.66)    297.8394 (78.39)    5.0901 (11.50)    295.4963 (82.87)    4.1581 (5.58)          1;1    3.3575 (0.01)
          5           1

Using Robinhood

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 6 tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms)                 Min                 Max                Mean             StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers       OPS
       Rounds  Iterations
test_bad_convex_hull           2.1653 (1.0)        4.3560 (1.0)        2.4845 (1.0)       0.3919 (1.0)        2.2890 (1.0)       0.4116 (1.0)         34;13  402.4974 (1.0)         187           1
test_building1                 4.0478 (1.87)       8.1608 (1.87)       4.9352 (1.99)      0.7231 (1.85)       4.8205 (2.11)      0.8186 (1.99)        43;10  202.6243 (0.50)        194           1
test_building2                 4.5203 (2.09)       7.0760 (1.62)       5.2760 (2.12)      0.5016 (1.28)       5.3163 (2.32)      0.7607 (1.85)         56;2  189.5387 (0.47)        171           1
test_100k_array_lmax         181.0951 (83.63)    209.4799 (48.09)    192.2597 (77.38)    12.0026 (30.63)    187.0803 (81.73)    21.6419 (52.59)         2;0    5.2013 (0.01)          6           1
test_100k_array_xyThresh     183.0285 (84.53)    214.6098 (49.27)    193.5033 (77.88)    12.3156 (31.43)    187.5635 (81.94)    16.2370 (39.45)         1;0    5.1679 (0.01)          6           1
test_100k_array_alpha        185.7237 (85.77)    202.3285 (46.45)    194.2747 (78.20)     7.4459 (19.00)    195.0935 (85.23)    13.3503 (32.44)         2;0    5.1474 (0.01)          6           1



Name (time in ms)                 Min                 Max                Mean             StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers       OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_bad_convex_hull           1.6997 (1.0)        2.7975 (1.0)        1.9016 (1.0)       0.1460 (1.0)        1.8739 (1.0)       0.1274 (1.0)         87;31  525.8757 (1.0)         450           1
test_building1                 2.9304 (1.72)       4.1872 (1.50)       3.7078 (1.95)      0.3039 (2.08)       3.8240 (2.04)      0.4747 (3.73)         89;0  269.6992 (0.51)        251           1
test_building2                 3.4998 (2.06)       4.8985 (1.75)       4.0559 (2.13)      0.3782 (2.59)       3.8950 (2.08)      0.7627 (5.99)         84;0  246.5531 (0.47)        211           1
test_100k_array_alpha        136.9144 (80.55)    167.7396 (59.96)    147.2006 (77.41)    10.5345 (72.14)    144.4434 (77.08)     1.2493 (9.81)          1;2    6.7934 (0.01)          6           1
test_100k_array_lmax         140.2724 (82.53)    160.4533 (57.36)    152.0597 (79.96)     8.1297 (55.67)    155.1628 (82.80)    14.4464 (113.44)        3;0    6.5764 (0.01)          7           1
test_100k_array_xyThresh     156.1592 (91.88)    173.9203 (62.17)    162.2376 (85.32)     6.2423 (42.75)    161.0981 (85.97)     8.0497 (63.21)         1;0    6.1638 (0.01)          7           1


Name (time in ms)                 Min                 Max                Mean             StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers       OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_bad_convex_hull           1.0386 (1.0)        1.5172 (1.0)        1.0580 (1.0)       0.0371 (1.00)       1.0469 (1.0)       0.0065 (1.0)        79;161  945.1568 (1.0)         911           1
test_building1                 2.1693 (2.09)       2.6308 (1.73)       2.1942 (2.07)      0.0370 (1.0)        2.1791 (2.08)      0.0361 (5.52)         29;9  455.7510 (0.48)        372           1
test_building2                 2.5231 (2.43)       3.1893 (2.10)       2.5550 (2.41)      0.0595 (1.61)       2.5337 (2.42)      0.0405 (6.18)        19;14  391.3969 (0.41)        380           1
test_100k_array_alpha        129.4591 (124.65)   166.7643 (109.92)   143.4697 (135.60)   14.6116 (394.68)   140.6254 (134.33)   25.0568 (>1000.0)       2;0    6.9701 (0.01)          8           1
test_100k_array_xyThresh     129.6079 (124.79)   132.6770 (87.45)    131.1479 (123.96)    0.8368 (22.60)    131.1477 (125.27)    0.3939 (60.20)         2;2    7.6250 (0.01)          8           1
test_100k_array_lmax         130.6483 (125.79)   133.1601 (87.77)    131.8334 (124.60)    0.7583 (20.48)    131.9258 (126.02)    0.8784 (134.25)        2;0    7.5853 (0.01)          8           1