These examples are for Android's CardBoard.
Note: There's a new open source Cardboard SDK for iOS and Android NDK that offers a streamlined API, improved device compatibility, and built-in viewer profile QR code scanning. As of Nov 6, 2019. So all ones below are deprecated. When I get some time, work on replacements, but in 2022, I still can't get these to work. thanks google.
They are built with AndroidStudio in java. For more information see and their repo as well
no longer updated code. see readme.
is Google's example code, but setup for studio correctly.
is a floating cube in space. It is based on the OpenGL30Cube example. This example separates the classes to make it easier to see the CardBoardActivity and the StereoRenderer. The cube and color class are the same as the opengl30cube example. The CardboardOverlayView is borrowed from the CardBoardSample code.
is based on FloatCube, except there are 8 cubes, which each turn differently. Included the Floor code from CardBardSample in with the necessary parameters from the renderer are send to the draw function. Since GLES30 is backward compatible to 2.0, no changes where made to the shader/vertex code.
is based on FloatingCube. When you "click/touch" you will move (mostly) in the direction the phone is facing.
These are example code for University of Wyoming, Cosc 4730 Mobile Programming course. All examples are for Android.