Implementation of classic sorting algorithms in Scala.
Implementation of classic sorting algorithms that supports sorting using List of Int, Float, Double, Long and String (for String sorting is done in alphabetical order).
| build.sbt
| tree.txt
| +---main
| | \---scala
| | \---sorting
| | Sort.scala
| |
| \---test
| \---scala
| \---sorting
| SortingSuite.scala
To compile the files it is necessary to be in the root directory(where
the build.sbt
file is), the use the sbt compile
To perform the tests it is necessary to be in the root
directory(where the build.sbt
file is), then use the sbt test
command. The tests used FunSuite and assert's. There were 45 tests performed.
The IDE used was Intellij Idea.
The LICENSE used is Apache-2.0.