{ projectID: int, name: string, createdOn: string (RFC3339 with numeric time zone value; 'Z' can only be on its own at the end), lastUpdated: string (RFC3339) }
{ bugID: int, title: string, description: string, timeAmt: double, complexity: double, projectID: int, createdOn: string (RFC3339), lastUpdated: string (RFC3339) }
GET: Gets all projects
Result - [ { Project }, ... ]
POST: Adds a project into the database
Data - { Project }
GET: Gets the project at the given {id}
Result - { Project }
PUT: Updates the project at the given {id} with the new data
Data - { Project }
DELETE: Deletes the project with the given {id}
GET: Gets the bugs from the project with the given {id}
Result - [ { Bug }, ... ]
GET: Gets all bugs
Result - [ { Bug }, ... ]
POST: Adds a new bug to the databse
Data - { Bug } OR for batch insert [ { Bug }, ... ]
GET: Gets bug with the given {id}
Result - { Bug }
PUT: Replaces the bug with the given {id} with the data passed in
Data - { Bug }
DELETE: Deletes the bug with the given {id}