RatFun is a package for working with functions expressible as a Fun divided by another Fun. The numerator and denominator may be different types of Funs.
Define two functions on an interval using ApproxFun:
using ApproxFun
using RatFun
p = Fun(x->exp(-10x^2))
q = Fun(x->-1+.5x*sin(100x^2)
You can define a RationalFun, representing p/q, as follows.
r = p // q
We use Plots.jl to plot it.
using Plots
You can also do the same for Funs with more exotic types, such as those with Dirac deltas, as follows.
p2 = .7*DiracDelta(-1.25) - .9*DiracDelta(.5) + p
q2 = .5*KroneckerDelta(-1.25) - .7*KroneckerDelta(.5) + q
r2 = p2 // q2
RationalFuns with Dirac deltas in the numerator are used in the SpectralMeasures package.