- Split MP4 files into chunks.
- Send chunk file from client to server
- Integrate chunk files
- Enhance the efficiency of processing and transferring large files by effectively splitting MP4 files into chunks for seamless transmission and integration.
- Improve the user experience by allowing users to upload files without delays, ensuring a smooth and responsive interface.
- Optimize server resources to maintain stable and efficient file processing, minimizing downtime and bottlenecks.
- Efficiently handle large volumes of data using a message broker for low overhead and increased throughput.
- Utilize asynchronous and non-blocking operations to achieve optimal speed and responsiveness.
- Implement sequence numbers in chunk files to guarantee the correct order during integration, preventing data integrity issues.
Chunked Upload(Promise parallel processing)
average latency : 19000 ms
Non Chunked Upload
average latency : 25000 ms
Transmitting files in chunks uses less bandwidth compared to sending the entire file at once, and it also allows for parallel processing, resulting in faster speeds.