I am a final year undergraduate student, currently enrolled at Bandung Institute of Technology's Informatics Engineering. I am the chairman of my student body, HMIF ITB, and also the CEO of Datare Innovation Solutions. I thrive on solving real world problems with my creative and critical mindset, with curiosity as a fuel for my learning. My main interest is in Blockchain technologies, as my Final Project is about a Smart Contract Discovery Engine, written in LaTeX. Other than that, I am also keen on Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Cryptography, and Cybersecurity.
I am currently working on Sectors.app with Supertype as a software engineer, and I am thriving with Supertype's culture for its organization, such as being proactive, having a high sense of ownership, and making sure every member is synced with the rest of the team.
Some of my writings can be found on my Medium or in HMIF's Missing Semester Project.
Some highlights on my projects: