Simple Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) used for teaching BSc/MSc Data Science students. The teaching was split across 2 lab sessions (2 hours each) and aimed to teach students about the basics of neural networks.
Important aspects included:
Demonstrating the importance of vectorized code implementation (acheived using 'for loops' vs 'numpy inbuilt functionality'. See the 'Vectorization Teaching Version' Notebook.
Demonstarting the importance of activation functions. See the 'Activation Functions Teaching Version' Notebook.
Walking through the Python implementation of a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The Notebook also allowed students to investigate the impacts of changing network parameters (such as number of neurons in each layer & alpha backpropigation paramater). See the 'MLP Walkthrough Teaching Version' Notebook.
The 'wine' and 'iris' datasets are available at: