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This gateway integration supports the Digicert MPKI platform:
- CA Sync:
- Download all certificates issued to the customer by the Digicert MPKI for a defined set of profiles.
- Certificate enrollment for the Digicert MPKI products listed in the manifest file:
- Support certificate enrollment (new keys/certificate)
- Support certificate re-issuance/renewal (new public/private keys with the same or different domain names).
- Support certificate enrollment (new keys/certificate)
- Certificate revocation:
- Request revocation of a previously issued certificate.
The Digicert Mpki Gateway AnyCA Gateway REST plugin is compatible with the Keyfactor AnyCA Gateway REST 24.2.0 and later.
The Digicert Mpki Gateway AnyCA Gateway REST plugin is supported by Keyfactor for Keyfactor customers. If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket with your Keyfactor representative. If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket via the Keyfactor Support Portal at
To report a problem or suggest a new feature, use the Issues tab. If you want to contribute actual bug fixes or proposed enhancements, use the Pull requests tab.
The Digicert mPKI REST API does not support inventory so the SOAP API is required to inventory all of the certs for the profiles listed in config.json file. In order to use the SOAP API, you need a client certificate from the Digicert mPKI Portal. The steps to obtain a certfificate are outlined in the documentation listed here.
- Follow the instructions in section 2.6.1 of the above document.
- Export the keystore to a PFX file with a similar command that is listed below:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore KeyfactorMPki.jks -srcstoretype JKS -destkeystore KeyfactorMPki3.pfx -deststoretype PKCS12
- Import the PFX Certificate to the computer it was generated on.
- Export the PFX to a file from that same machine's certificate store and copy it to the same directory where the config.json is located.
Sample Commands for a Test Envrionment are below:
keytool -genkey -alias pki_ra -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname "CN=pki_ra" -keypass SomePassword -keystore KeyfactorMPki3 -storepass SomePassword
keytool -certreq -alias pki_ra -sigalg SHA256withRSA -file pki_raCSR.req -keypass SomePassword -keystore KeyfactorMPki2 -storepass SomePassword
keytool -import -alias pki_ra -file cert.p7b -noprompt -keypass SomePassword -keystore KeyfactorMPki2 -storepass SomePassword
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias pki_ca -file SYMC_Test_Drive_RA_Intermediate_CA.cer -keystore KeyfactorMPki2 -storepass SomePassword
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file SYMC_Managed_PKI_Infrastructure_Test_Drive_Root.cer -keystore KeyfactorMPki2 -storepass SomePassword
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore KeyfactorMPki.jks -srcstoretype JKS -destkeystore KeyfactorMPki2.pfx -deststoretype PKCS12
Since there are infinate number of profile configurations in DigiCertSym mPKI, these tempates are used to shell out the request for each profile and during the enrollment process will be replaced with data from the Enrollment request in Keyfactor.
These tempates files must be copied into the same directory as the Gateway binaries and saved as a JSON file with the same name outlined in the tempates section above.
Sample Enrollment Template is here
Enrollment Format Specifications Located here
- EnrollmentParam - Below is a sample Enrollment Template where anything Prefixed with "EnrollmentParam|FieldName" will be replaced with an enrollment field value from the Keyfactor portal during enrollment.
- CSR|RAW - Below is a sample Enrollment Template where anything Prefixed with "CSR|RAW" will be replaced with the raw CSR content from the enrollment request from Keyfactor Portal.
- CSR|CSRContent - Below is a sample Enrollment Template where anything Prefixed with "CSR|CSRContent" will be replaced with the CSR content from the enrollment request from Keyfactor Portal.
"profile": {
"id": "2.16.840.1.113733."
"seat": {
"seat_id": "EnrollmentParam|Seat"
"csr": "CSR|RAW",
"validity": {
"unit": "years",
"duration": "Numeric|EnrollmentParam|Validity (Years)|Numeric"
"attributes": {
"common_name": "CSR|CN",
"country": "CSR|C",
"organization_name": "CSR|O"
Log in to Digicert MPKI Manager:
- Open your web browser and navigate to the Digicert MPKI URL.
- Enter your pin and log in.
Navigate to the Manage CAs Menu:
- Click on Gear at the bottom of page.
- Select Manage CAs.
Download the Trust Chain Bundle:
- You will see the root and intermediate certificates available for download.
Install the AnyCA Gateway REST per the official Keyfactor documentation.
On the server hosting the AnyCA Gateway REST, download and unzip the latest Digicert Mpki Gateway AnyCA Gateway REST plugin from GitHub.
Copy the unzipped directory (usually called
) to the Extensions directory:Program Files\Keyfactor\AnyCA Gateway\AnyGatewayREST\net6.0\Extensions
The directory containing the Digicert Mpki Gateway AnyCA Gateway REST plugin DLLs (
) can be named anything, as long as it is unique within theExtensions
directory. -
Restart the AnyCA Gateway REST service.
Navigate to the AnyCA Gateway REST portal and verify that the Gateway recognizes the Digicert Mpki Gateway plugin by hovering over the ⓘ symbol to the right of the Gateway on the top left of the portal.
Follow the official AnyCA Gateway REST documentation to define a new Certificate Authority, and use the notes below to configure the Gateway Registration and CA Connection tabs:
Gateway Registration
TODO Gateway Registration is a required section
CA Connection
Populate using the configuration fields collected in the requirements section.
- ApiKey - Digicert mPKI Rest API Key
- DigiCertSymUrl - Base Url for Digicert mPKI REST API such as https://someurl/mpki/api/v1
- ClientCertLocation - Location on the Gateway Server File System of Client Certificate sample: C:\temp\myclientcert.pfx
- ClientCertPassword - Password for the SOAP Client Certificate.
- EndpointAddress - Endpoint address for SOAP Service sample: https://someurl/pki-ws/certificateManagementService.
TODO Certificate Template Creation Step is a required section
Follow the official Keyfactor documentation to add each defined Certificate Authority to Keyfactor Command and import the newly defined Certificate Templates.
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.
See all Keyfactor Any CA Gateways (REST).