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People need to know the truth about whats going on (time4popcorn / popcorn time)
Time4Popcorn is a bad clone of PopcornTime, they have used the official github to steal progress for their own release.
They are not active neither are they the "widely-known fork" of the current development.
As you can see here we have a lot of issues reported, demonstrating the activity of the repo
This dev branch is what was taken by time4popcorn.
Their repo is a clone of ours with no issues, no commits and the same UI we were working for the past weeks.
You can see people here talking about the garbage of this clone and not recommending to install: Official stickied post on reddit
time4popcorn is not the first and neither the one that publishes PopcornTime builds.
As you can see their mac build is the SAME as our official from http://get-popcorn.com and github. RIDICULOUS (they don't know how to compile :))