Added: Form Trigger: Block: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no non-inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
Added: Form Trigger: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no non-inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
Added: Forms: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
Added: Products: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no Products exist in ConvertKit
Fix: Bulk & Quick Edit: Show contextual icons for Form, Tag and Member Content settings, instead of the default Form icon
Fix: Settings: Conditionally load CSS and JS depending on the section (General, Tools, Member Content)
Fix: Settings: Link to ConvertKit form creator when no Forms exist in ConvertKit
Fix: Use higher quality SVG icons for blocks, shortcodes and formatters
Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.6
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