- Script for download, unpack and build MPICH CH4 for developing purposes
- Install MPICH with global critical sections and avoid user prompt with default answers
sh -g -s
- Install MPICH with per-vci trylock critical sections from github master branch and avoid user prompt with default answers
sh -p trylock -s -b
- Install MPICH with per-vci handoff critical sections from github 3.3.x branch with source replace from
sh -p handoff -b 3.3.x -r
Usage: sh [Build Option] [Ad Options]
Build MPICH option:
-g - global critical sections
-p [trylock, handoff] - per-vci critical section
-d - only download and unpack $CURRENT_MPICH_NAME from \"\"
Additional Options:
-s - skip manual input [auto launching of: remove previous build, configure dirs, `make && make install`]
-r - replace sources from `./dev` directory (sources must be in the same directory path relative to `./dev` as for MPICH)
-b [branch] - clone mpich sources from github pmodels/mpich default branch is master ""
-i [yourPath] - additional installation path suffix to `$INSTALLATION_PATH_PREFIX/{yourPath}/`
-o - optimized installation build
-h - show this message
-l [logfile path] - MPICH configure and install logs will be print into this file it is installationLogs.txt by default