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Lee Thompson edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 4 revisions

Wiki conversion notes

  1. A few items need some researching
  2. When functions are referenced, they should link to the Context wiki.

ENUM Scope Description Notes

About this Document

This is the reference for "enum values" in Newlife custom scenes. In this context, enum is short for "enumerated string", for a broader guide to the concept Wikipedia has an article on the subject. Within Newlife, these are typically passed into or returned by various method as text strings.

This document lists the valid values for various enums relevant to Newlife player-written content. It also gives writing tips for how they're to be used in-scenes.

IMPORTANT: When testing for enum values in if statements or passing them into methods the text you use will usually need to be case-sensitive and match exactly. Enum values are always written in ALL-CAPS.


All characters have an age, although not all options are available for all characters. Age has a small effect on attraction. Male NPCs can be any age, but female ones, including the PC, can be no older than their thirties.

Age is also checked for dialogue or text that references age differences: typically with an old man and a much younger player-character.

ENUM Scope Description Notes
LATE_TEENS PC/NPCs 18 or 19 years-old You mustn't use text to imply she's younger.
EARLY_TWENTIES PC/NPCs 20 - 24 years-old
TWENTIES PC/NPCs Refers to late-twenties. 25-29 years-old
OLD NPCs Any character 60 or older. Male Only


  • Some scenes distinguish between using "girl" or "woman" to describe the PC based on her age. Typically late-teens or early-twenties use girl, as does late-twenties if she has the cute trait.
  • If a male NPC is using "rough content" and he is in his thirties and the female is younger she may address him as "daddy".
  • For the PC, bear in mind that a transformed character might have originally been much older, so a "late teens" PC could have many decades of life experience despite looking like a teenager. Alternatively, they could have been a naive 19 year-old beforehand too. It's in general a bad idea to write content based on the PC's pre-game life and this is no exception.
  • For LATE_TEENS descriptions like "barely legal" or "just over the age of consent" should probably be avoided as the age of consent for real-life sex in the UK is 16 even though characters in adult content must be 18.


  • I've been asked to allow players to customise attraction to ages and while I have higher priority things for the time being I wouldn't rule out traits that modify attraction getting added in the future.
  • I have had some requests to open up older ages for female characters, and may do so in the future. For the time being though you shouldn't worry about writing for characters that can't exist in the current version of the game.



For the getBreasts method for PC and female NPCs.

The possible values along with their associated descriptions are:

ENUM Scope Description Notes
SMALL PC/NPCs small but perky tits
MEDIUM_LARGE PC/NPCs full breasts
LARGE PC/NPCs heavy breasts


  • There's often cause for unique content or text based on the player or NPC's breast-size, from descriptions when an NPC touches them through to low-self-esteem characters feeling insecure about their size.
  • Adjectives like pert, perky, full and heavy do not have to be restricted to that particular breast size, and you should feel free to use them for other sizes in your writing if it's appropriate to do so.
  • When writing about breasts, you may also want to consider the isLactating method and the SENSITIVE_BREASTS trait.
  • If you're writing about whether her nipples are erect or not then you should check her arousal ("comfort" level or higher can have erect nipples).
  • Clothing also has a large impact on descriptions of the PC's body, especially things like breasts where you may need to consider her bra and top status and whether her top (if worn) is LOWCUT, THIN or SHEER.


Character Type

Used only by female NPCs, and generally more important for them than Personality. In fact, I feel that I probably should have used a character-type analogue for all NPCs instead. However, there's a lot of content & game mechanics written around personality at this point, and I don't feel it's a worthwhile use of time to rework it all.

Despite this, Female NPCs do have a personality variable and this does have an effect. For instance a selfish+innocent NPC will sometimes talk about how she wants men to buy her presents. Character type affects which personality will be chosen and may block some entirely. See below for details: you don't need to write content for charType+personality combinations that can't occur in-game.

There are currently 3 available female character types. It's possible that more may be added in the future, but that isn't something you need to be concerned about in your writing.

Character type affects the character creation algorithm quite a lot. The NPC's age is heavily affected as well as her personality and traits. However, it's worth considering all valid combinations even if they mostly just occur in custom characters. That said, while your scene shouldn't outright break if an NPC turns out to be a sophisticated teenager it might not be the best use of your writing time to add extensive paths for rare or custom-only combinations.

Any character type can in theory be a virgin but the chance is heavily influenced by charType. Sophisticated will only be a virgin if they're a custom NPC, party-girls have just a tiny chance (even though there's a friendship scene that's only accessible for PG virgins) while Innocent are likely to be virgins.


Can have any personality although jerk & selfish are more common. Party-girls love drinking and having fun. They lack the sexual confidence of a Sophisticated NPC but will tend to be quite promiscuous because they tend to have drunken hookups.

Party-girls have a sort of brash insecurity that leads them to constantly try to be the centre of attention and prove how "wild", "fun" and "crazy" they are. This is very relevant in the party-girl-virgin scene where she feels bad about being a virgin because it conflicts with the way she wants people to see her.

Party-girls can be a bit judge-y of the PC if she's more straight-laced. They can also come across as a bit self-centred.

While the current content doesn't go into too much depth with different personalities, if you're writing extensive PG content you should consider how those would affect her behaviour, although also bear in mind the influence of relationship-levels.

Jerk+PG would be the stereotypical "bitchy party-girl", Selfish would be the one who expects everyone to give her attention all the time. Average might be a more balanced realistic character who likes to be seen as crazy but can mellow out if it's important for her friends. Caring would want to share the fun times with her friends and people she likes while romantic is the girl who has a facade of being the wild partier but secretly wants someone to sweep her off her feet.


The stereotypical sweet & innocent character. Usually younger but this isn't a fixed rule. These characters will never have the Jerk personality but can be Selfish. Innocent NPCs are often virgins, but not always, and this can change in-game.

Innocent NPCs will often look up to the Pc to guide them. A 'good' PC might help teach them the ways of the world, take care of them and protect them from being exploited. Of course it's also possible for the PC to be just as innocent and naïve as an NPC, or for her to let her be exploited or even encourage it.

Selfish innocent NPCs are more manipulative and interested in using their looks and sexuality to get what they want, but in a bit of an immature fashion. The "I want a man who buys me nice things" approach rather than a selfish Sophisticated's "A relationship is about what I want, and he's going to be my bitch". A caring innocent would be sweet and loving, while a romantic one would the soft of girl who's always dreaming about her future fairytale romance.


A sophisticated NPC is a confident woman. She's talented and successful and she knows it. Comfortable with her sexuality, she knows what she wants and isn't shy about going for it. Samantha from Sex and the City might be an example, although it's many years since I've seen the show so I can't be entirely sure.

Sophisticated tend to be older (the default chargen algorithm will never create them in their late teens) and will normally not be virgins. They never have the Romantic personality.

Sophisticated NPCs are also usually quite skilled both socially and in their areas of interest. An outgoing but socially awkward woman would be better as a party-girl.

A Jerk sophisticated would be a cruel woman, using her force of personality to hurt others socially: she might sleep with a rival's boyfriend just to humiliate her or date a man in order to tear him down and leave him miserable. The marriage of an evil heart and a sophisticated NPC's formidable social skills makes for a terrifying prospect.

A selfish sophisticated is a woman who's focused only on what she wants, and uses other people to get it. Her force of personality makes it easy for her to dominate her partners and often her friends.

An average sophisticated is, like many average-personality characters, a less-defined more middle-of-the-road character. She might take advantage of someone to get what she wants, but unless she dislikes them she'd try to arrange matters so they end up happy too. A selfish sophisticated might pick up a man she fancies, take him home, get him to get her off and then kick him out and let him walk back to town alone. An average one would take him home but would get him off as well, maybe let him stay the night, and put him in a taxi home the next morning.

A caring sophisticated could be a protective 'big sister' figure. She's usually the most confident in a social group and she uses that confidence and her social skills to look out for her friends. She's still very assured that she knows best, so she might try break up what she sees as a bad pairing or push her friend to get together with a man she things will make a good partner for them. She'd often take pity on someone who looks pathetic or helpless. For instance if she sees that a shy and insecure man is miserable due to striking out then she might teach him how to get with a girl he likes or, if she finds him acceptably attractive, take him home herself.

Clothing Flag

All clothing items can have flags. However, not all flags are applicable to items in every slot. Flags are checked via the clothingitem hasFlag method. You cannot modify a clothing item's flags in a custom scene.

These are the flags that may be relevant in writing. There are a few others, but they're used only to affect game mechanics and shouldn't need to be referenced directly.

CLINGY: refers to especially clingy clothing. Just upper/lower-body items.

DANCE: used for the special dance dress won in the tournament.

ILL_FITTING: Used for the ill-fitting clothing items that may be part of the PC's starting wardrobe.

LACY: used to distinguish between lacy & plain bras and panties. Usually does not need to be referenced directly in scene as the item's short description will usually include it.

LOWCUT: Upper-body clothing only. Shows off more cleavage and may be worth referencing if e.g. an NPC is staring at the PC's tits. Lowcut tops may allow him to get a hand inside and feel her breasts even without removing the top first.

LOW_RISE: for certain types of trousers etc. Has small description/stat effects but is unlikely to affect your writing.

NO_UNDERWIRE: Bras only. Check this if your text mentions the bra's underwire and have an alternative line if it's set.

PULL_DOWN: Used for trousers like yoga pants which can just be pulled down without undoing them first, and also don't have an "unzip & reach inside" option. Only appears on non-skirt lower-body clothing

SEE_THROUGH: Refers to sheer items that are in some way see-through or partially see-through. Currently only used on dresses and tops.

SHOWS_BUM. For thongs and g-strings. A new addition and not heavily used. Principally there so if a guy ejaculates over her behind while her underwear is still on the player doesn't get text about her underwear being covered with the stuff.

SHOWS_TUMMY: For tops. Currently this refers to crop-tops but in time it might include things like dresses with cut-away sections to show the PC's stomach.

SILK: Used by Pjs only, and is mostly just there to make it easier to create matching sets – I don't think any scenes mention it directly.

SINGULAR: For items that can be either singular or plural. E.g. "a g-string" vs "a pair of panties" or "a skirt" vs "a pair of jeans". Tops and Bras are always singular so you don't need to write alternative text. Legwear has separate singular/plural methods depending on which you need.

THIN: This fabric. May be worth mentioning in e.g. text that determines if her nipples show through her clothing. Can appear on most clothing items except bras and legwear.

Clothing Status

The PC and female NPCs have a clothing status for each of the 5 clothing slots, although only WORN and OFF are valid for legwear so there's a boolean isLegwearWorn method instead of the enum getLegwearStatus.

If you just need to find out if her breasts or pussy are exposed then the isBreastsExposed and isPussyExposed methods will be simpler than checking for clothing status. The latter also checks for the no-panties/short-skirt situation which counts as exposed regardless of clothing status.

Note that dresses and similar clothing cover the Top and Bottom clothing slots and have separate statuses for both. For instance a dress that's been pulled down around the pc's waist would have top status of EXPOSED but could still have a bottom status of WORN if it hasn't been pulled up to her waist. Removing a dress completely by setting either status to OFF will set both statuses.

It's possible to set statuses via appropriate methods (e.g. setBraStatus(String status)). You should be careful when using these to replace clothing as it'll cause bugs if e.g. the outfit didn't include a bra but you set the bra status to anything other than OFF. This is the cause of the "he removes your no panties" type bugs that occasionally crop up.

To dress the player use the fixClothing method instead. In general, you should always check statuses before modifying them. For instance, if you want the PC's clothing to be dishevelled after she gets groped make sure to check it wasn't EXPOSED or OFF first.

As a rule of thumb, undressing the PC should also be approached with caution due to its heavy reliance on the perhaps over-complex clothing system. The NPC makeout-action can be used to get default actions allowing NPCs to undress the player.

Statuses are:

WORN: The clothing item is being worn as intended.

DISHEVELED: Generally set after the PC gets groped. It has little in the way of gameplay effect but modifies her description. Disheveled clothing still covers whatever it was supposed to cover. Note that the enum value is spelt with 1 'L', which seems to be the US-English spelling. Using dishevelled with 2 'L's will result in an error. Not applicable for legwear.

EXPOSED: The clothing has been moved aside (the exact description of how depends on the clothing item) and no longer covers whatever it was meant to cover. Not applicable for legwear.

OFF: the clothing slot is empty, either because the outfit has no clothing for it or because the clothing has been removed completely.

Figure (female)

There are only 3 female body-types currently used by the game, although I don't 100% rule out adding more in the future. There are actually 7 defined in the code (SKINNY,SLIM,TONED,WOMANLY,AVERAGE,LARGE,FAT), but as only the main 3 will actually appear on characters there's no point in writing content for the others.

The 3 body-types all represent various flavours of "conventionally attractive". There isn't a properly-implemented body-type for underweight or larger-than-average characters.

Figure does not describe the character's height. That's something that's currently unspecified. I may or may not add height at a later date – it isn't a high priority at the time of writing.

There isn't a separate variable for the PC's bottom and I don't intend to add one – figure is a good enough approximaton. As such, you should use it to choose text describing her bum. E.g. "tiny bottom"/"curvaceous rump"/"firm arse" for slim/womanly/toned. There isn't a set method to return a bottom description at the moment so you'll need to write your own using an #if statement if one is needed.


A slender and delicate figure. Initially the weakest figure but this can change if the PC trains fitness so should not be assumed.


A healthy fit physique, slim with lean muscles.


An hourglass body with pronounced feminine curves (but still a flat stomach). This one can be a bit tricky to write for as words like "curvy" are often used for "BBW" body-types. I tend to use "curvaceous" or "hourglass" instead.

Figure (male)

Male figure will often affect descriptive text and may affect dialogue. You can't assume the PC is attracted to /turned-off by any particular body type as this is customisable in character creation.

Instead, use the PC method likesFigure(String figure) or dislikesFigure(String figure). These will return a true/false value depending on whether the PC likes or dislikes that body type. If the PC is neutral towards a body-type then both will return false.

This lets you have different text depending on attraction & preferences.

For example, high attraction + muscular body type + likes figure might say something like "You feel a heat rise in your lower belly as you admire his magnificently muscled body".

High attraction + disliked body-type might instead say something like "despite his regrettably over-muscled body, you feel yourself becoming turned on as you look at him". Neutral would then have an alternative version that doesn't mention his body.

This can lead to many different combinations of text being needed, but that has the advantage of providing a more unique description that highlights the PC's feelings towards that specific NPC.

There are a few methods related to body type. The male NPC method getTorsoDesc outputs a text snippet like "broad powerful chest" or "thickset body". This is set based on figure and will always be the same for NPCs with the same body type. It's a non-capitalised string without spaces before or after.

Another is the getHandAdj() method. This provides a 1-word adjective used to describe a male NPC's hands or fingers. Again, this will always return the same result for a given body-type.

The body types and their associated torso descriptions and hand adjectives are:

AVERAGE: "unremarkable body", "masculine".

SKINNY: "skinny torso","bony".

TONED: "toned body", "strong".

MUSCULAR: "broad powerful chest", "powerful".

THICKSET: "thickset body", "large".

PAUNCHY: "flabby body","fleshy".

FAT: "bloated fat body","chubby".

Game Flag

Game-wide true/false flags that are stored indefinitely. These need to be defined in the code so you can't create your own on-the-fly. However, if one is needed for your submitted content then I can add it when your scene's integrated with the main game.

Scene-level flags can be used to communicate information between scenes in the same chain, so this is only used when something will need to be saved for future weeks. For example, if a random event should only occur once then its scene will set a game-flag that prevents it firing again.

I haven't listed all game flags here as most of them are used to store information about specific scenes and won't really be relevant for new content and would just be bloating the file. For example the bakery event has 4 flags to store which choices the player makes. If your scene needs to branch off of a specific one and has to know what decisions the player has made then make a comment and ask for the relevant information.

A major use of flags is to store how the PC lost her virginity – this is used in the art gallery scene where she talks about it to a friend. This only gets set if she loses it in-game, of course. Female-start characters who weren't virgins to begin with don't get this.

General information about her first time: more than one can be set at once.



FIRST_TIME_CAME_INSIDE_UNSAFE: ft_came_inside is also set when this happens.



Position/situation for her first time. No more than 1 of these gets set.










Some game flags related to various scenes or similar: mostly listed here as an illustration of how they're used as you're unlikely to need these in your writing.

TOLD_IVY_PREGNANT: cleared when the PC gives birth. Used to restrict the visit-Ivy activity.

DONE_DANCE_CONTEST: set when the PC competes in a dance context. Modifies the intro text to that scene in subsequent attempts.

DANCE_CONTEST_TORE_CLOTHING: Yeah, you know what this is for ;)




SCARED_LOWLIVES: if this is set they should be afraid of the PC in subsequent meetings.

KNOWS_ABOUT_TREASURE: for the treasure-hunting scene.



DONE_INNOCENT_BONDAGE_SCENE: used to restrict the scene to once/game.

REPLACED_INNOCENT_FOR_BONDAGE: Indicates that the PC participated properly.


NO_MORE_GYM_THREESOMES: Can be set in the scene where Horse becomes dateable, depending on the PC's choices.

DEFEATED_OFFICE_RIVAL: Setting this will block the events where the rival tries to mess with the PC. If the rival is told to quit the company then she's also given the DISABLED trait.

Flags related to game control:

DO_PROPOSAL: Triggers a proposal from the BF. There are some fairly specific conditions around proposals so it's probably best you don't set this.

HIDE_TRAITS: set in the 'secret' starts, affects what's shown in the character screen. Does not need to be considered in written content: the player is supposed to be able to figure out their stats from game text.

PILL_SABOTAGED: Indicates the player's contraception has been sabotaged that week. Reset on a weekly basis when impregnation is processed. Set this if your scene involves the PC's pill getting tampered with. You should also check if it's set before an NPC attempts such tampering, so he doesn't keep trying over and over until he's caught even after succeeding.

For custom scene testing:

TEST_FLAG: Never used in the main game. Intended for use in custom scenes where it'd be replaced by a new one when said scene is integrated into the game.

TEST_FLAG2, TEST_FLAG3: More test flags for custom scenes that need to set several different ones.


All characters have a hairstyle. Hair length is a component of hairstyle and is not stored separately. All hairstyles are technically valid on all characters even though the game won't give "male" hairstyles to female characters or vice-versa.

"Male" styles:





"Unisex" styles:




"Female" styles:













For lower-body clothing. Newlife supports 3 lengths, although the descriptions sometimes vary on specific items. In particular wedding dresses use the knee-length setting to refer to tea-length dresses (which are actually a bit longer than knee-length ones IRL) and do not have knee-length variants.

THIGH: Skirts etc that go down to the player's thighs. i.e. short ones.

KNEES: Knee-length skirts etc

ANKLES: Long skirts/trousers/etc

NPC Behaviour

NPC behaviour is set for all NPCs when the scene starts, based on personality, relationship levels and some traits. It's usually best to use behaviour rather than raw personality to control an NPC's behaviour towards the player. NPC-NPC interactions have to use personality as they don't have relationship levels.

Behaviour will not vary within a scene chain so you don't need to write content for that: for instance if a certain action is only available when an NPC was being NICE or ROM(antic) then you don't need to have follow-up content that checks for AVG, COLD or MEAN.

There are some situations where character with a different personality might act differently despite having the same behaviour though. A common example is the Jerk personality. After some criticism early after release that jerks were just acting like assholes for no reason I decided to write content to imply that they're sexist towards women. This is an old-fashioned "women belong in the kitchen" type of chauvinism. Thus a jerk might need different mean text (where it implies he looks down on the PC for being a woman) compared to another personality (who'll be being mean because he just doesn't like her). Of course it's possible for a jerk to dislike the player too – you can check liking directly on the NPC object if necessary for your writing.

It's possible for an NPC to 'fake' their behaviour if they want something from the PC. Most scenes will want to use the behaviour that allows faking, but the getBehaviourNoFaking() method lets you get it without faking. You should use the no-faking method if the NPC is in a situation where they wouldn't pretend just to sleep with the player, or in sexual situations where they're already getting what they want. Typically makeout & sex scenes should use no-faking: he starts showing his true colours and the PC has to decide if she wants to say something at such an intimate stage.

Faking takes into account traits, drunkenness and a few other things. NPCs will also stop faking once they've got what they wanted. This is usually to have sex with the PC at least once, but impregnators will fake until they get her pregnant.

There are broadly 2 types of faking: charming NPCs will fake the Romantic behaviour, and any (non-crude) NPC can fake the 'average' behaviour if they'd otherwise be mean as long as they meet the criteria for faking.

Behaviour should not stop an NPC from sleeping with the PC – check attraction for that. Cold behaviour sex should imply that he's just using her for sex, while mean behaviour will tend to be rough, aggressive and/or cruel.

Female NPCs use the same behaviours, although their interactions with the PC tend to be more limited due to not being date-able.

Behaviours are:

MEAN: The NPC is rude and unpleasant towards the player. Common for Jerks. Other personalities need to dislike the PC. Never chosen by caring NPCs (aka the best personality!)

COLD: The NPC is cold towards the player and might have sex with her but won't show intimacy or treat her with much respect. Jerks always choose mean instead. Common for selfish but average and romantic personalities can pick it too. In particular, average personality is cold towards strangers. Never chosen by caring.

AVG: Average. A default "polite" behaviour where he won't go out of his way to be nice but won't be a dick either.

NICE: The NPC will go out of his way to make the PC happy. This appears if he likes her a lot but is not in love with her. At maximum levels in all relationship facets the romantic behaviour is used instead.

ROM: Romantic. Can be used by any NPC at high love levels (or low love levels, for romantics) and overrides other behaviours, so love+dislike will still be romantic. Can also be faked by Charming NPCs which should make them popular with pcs who have the romantic trait.

NPC Personality

NPC personality has a significant effect on how they behave in scenes. However, it's often better to check NPC behaviour instead as it also takes relationship levels into account. There are still some situations where personality should be checked directly though.


The NPC is a jerk who enjoys being mean to people. Male jerks are chauvinistic and have a "women belong in the kitchen" attitude. This can be relevant even when he's being nice to her. For instance there's a section in the anniversary scene where he gets her cooking gear due to this assumption and the PC has the option to get angry at him.

Jerks should also approve of the PC being bitchy to third parties and may team up with her to be horrible to other people.


Selfish NPCs care only about themselves. It's harder for them to fall in love and they should avoid going out of their way to help other people unless they have strong feelings for them: this is generally taken into account in the behaviour system which has them choosing the COLD behaviour until high relationship values.

NPC finances aren't especially well-developed at the moment, but I have some long-term thoughts around having Selfish NPCs approve of a transactional approach to romance which might make a wealthy selfish man a good choice for a gold-digger PC.


The name says it all really.


Romantic NPCs should like romantic behaviour from the PC more, but only if they're interested in reciprocating (love of at least SOME or high attraction). While not heavily implemented in game I tend to think of them as the sort of person who could get excessively clingy.


The 'best' personality. They're generally nice and supportive to the PC and to other people in general.

NPC Traits

NPC traits cover a wide variety of things, from very specific ones that are only relevant in a particular scene chain through to fundamental traits that get checked over and over throughout the game.

It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the key traits that will affect your scene and consider how they might need their own content and how they might interact with the PC's traits or with their relationship status. For instance a scene where the PC sees a male NPC naked might not only need to consider the THICK_COCK trait in his description but also to have some reaction text if the PC has the LIKES_BIG trait.

Traits are divided into male-only, male-or-female and female-only categories. As lesbian dating isn't implemented in Newlife many "male-or-female" traits that relate to attraction have little or no effect for female characters however. They might still be relevant on occasion though, for instance if the PC is asking her friend's advice on how to dress or act.

In most situations you don't need to write for characters that can't normally be created by the game: notably if they have opposing traits (e.g impregnator + conscientious).

Male Only


The man has large testicles and ejaculates more than usual. This should usually modify his orgasm text and any writing that involves interaction with his balls.


The tip of his cock is unusually large and bulbous. Generally affects its description but can also modify penetration text.


Charming NPCs are more 'smooth' and may need different interaction text. They can also 'fake' the romantic behaviour and should generally be well-liked by PCs with the romantic trait.

Opposed to sleazy, crude, taciturn.


No opposites. The NPC is more likely to cheat and may do so without having a reason (as of 0.4.23 non-cheaters will only be unfaithful if they're angry at the PC, which is only set on some paths in the scene where she's caught cheating herself).

Normally only appears on selfish (most common), jerk or average NPCs, so you don't need to write content specifically for caring/romantic + cheater.

The trait can usually be ignored unless your scene specifically relates to infidelity.


These men are more careful about using condoms and will also react well to the PC using them and dislike it when she encourages risky behaviour.

When writing how an NPC feels about not using condoms, consider the situation. In a serious relationship they might be more accepting of having children, especially if they have the wants_kids trait and not its opposite. They should also be accepting of not using a condom if the PC is on the pill or already pregnant.

Opposed to hates_condoms, impregnator.


Special NPC trait for the teacher in the cooking class scene. Will not be chosen as a random NPC for general scenes but can date the PC and end up in a relationship with her.


A leftover from the old dialogue system, and a trait that I considered removing but (mistakenly) decided to keep. You can see more discussion of this here:

Crude mainly modifies dialogue. Refined PCs should generally dislike spending time with crude or sleazy men.

Opposed to Charming


The NPC is the judge for the dance contest. Otherwise they're basically a normal NPC and can show up at the club. The default dance_judge is always in his 40s or older, of selfish or average personality and a good dancer.


The NPC is a student at the dance class. These NPCs always have the good_dancer trait. While not technically opposed to the other special roles they're generated mid-game and will never have them, so that isn't a situation you need to write for.


The teacher at the dance class. Always has the good_dancer and fashionable traits. Generated mid-game like the dance students.


Added to the sales boss if he tells the PC he's finally divorced his wife during a proposal scene, and used to prevent mention of his marriage afterwards. A bit of a stop-gap: NPC relationships may get handled in more depth later. Has no effect for anyone except the sales boss.


The doormat trait affects how an Npc should react to cheating. NPCs with this trait will be upset about their partner cheating on them, but won't stand up for themselves. They should never dump the PC for cheating.

If you're writing a doormat-specific path then consider having content where they get belittled, shamed or humiliated by the PC, especially if she has the bitchy trait.


The NPC likes fashion and dresses in a more flamboyant manner. Mainly relevant if your scene involves shopping together or the like.


Hidden trait used to flag up the NPC picked for the bitchy+impregnator scene chain so the same one is chosen for its follow-ups. Unlikely to be relevant to your writing.


A special-NPC trait. The various special roles are all opposed to each other and you can assume no NPC has more than one. This flags up the special NPC who takes the PC to the changing-room makeouts with his friend Horse. You usually won't need to check this trait unless you're doing some Horse+jerk specific writing.

The gym jerk is heavily restricted in his traits etc. Among other things, he always has both MISANTHROPE and COLD_HEARTED. This is a combination that won't be generated by the normal algorithm (as the traits are usually limited to jerk & selfish personalities respectively) but because of this NPC and potential custom ones it's a combination you may need to consider in your writing. Of course those traits normally don't need to get special content written for them – their primary effect is to affect love/liking gain.


The NPC is facially very handsome, and gets a bonus to his attractiveness. This is handled in the various isAttraction methods.

Handsome NPCs may sometimes need special text. Also, if you're writing content that assumes he is or isn't successful with other women then it's one of the traits you should check for. I generally assume that handsome, charming, toned or muscular NPCs have little trouble hooking up with women so these need to be checked for if you're writing about that sort of thing.

Opposed to Ugly.


An 'evil' trait that's intended to be hard-to-find: it has a very high knowledge threshold. Impregnators will try to get women pregnant through underhanded means such as sabotaging contraception.

Impregnators can have either wants_kids, doesnt_want_kids or neither.

If they don't want kids then the idea is that they want to knock up the PC but then leave her to be a single mum. As such, if they're in a committed relationship with her and would want to stay together (check Love for this) then they'd stop their efforts to fertilise her because they don't want to have to raise a child.

The impregnator trait is only added by default to Jerk characters. Custom NPCs may have it on other personalities but as a rule of thumb you shouldn't bother writing unique content for combinations that won't occur naturally in the game.

Impregnator is opposed to conscientious, likes_anal and likes_oral.


The NPC cannot get the PC pregnant. Only appears on custom NPCs. Like the PC trait, the NPC may not know about this. As such it shouldn't get unique written content. This trait is handled in the impregnation calculations so unless you're writing a scene in a fertility clinic or something you won't need to worry about writing for it.


Special character trait that flags this character as being the NPC 'Horse'. Horse is massively restricted in traits, appearance and personality – probably more than any other NPC. Initially he's restricted to the changing-room scene but can eventually become date-able.


NPCs with this trait can appear at the cooking class, enjoy cooking more and are better at it. Unless your scene involves cooking it usually won't be important for you.


NPCs with this trait are happy with the idea of their partner sleeping around. They won't get upset if she cheats and will be turned on to hear stories about her hooking up with other men.


The NPC will take longer to finish when having sex.


Special character trait that flags this character as being a lowlife that can abuse the PC and her friend in one scene. Lowlives are always restricted to their own scenes.


Hidden trait that's set if a lowlife has a "romantic" moment with the innocent friend. Only 1 lowlife can ever be assigned this trait in a game. The matching innocent NPC gets INNOCENT_WITH_LOWLIFE_BF.


The NPC has unpleasant, foul-tasting sperm. The PC should lose Enjoyment if he finishes in her mouth. Mostly just relevant in that situation.


Trait used to identify the special NPC that can show up in the porn-shoot scene. The NPC is limited to that scene so you needn't check for their presence among randomly selected NPCs.


The NPC will finish faster when having sex.


This is a special NPC who can show up in the relevant scene. These NPCs can show up in random scenes.


This is the PC's boss in the sales career which, at the time of writing, is the only one.


This is the perverted client that can grope the PC at her sales job. Only appears in his own scenes and is only relevant there.


A friendly old man that the PC can slack off on her job with. Only relevant in his own scenes.



The sleazy trait means the NPC is quite sexual and will often talk about it to the PC. This is disliked by Refined PCs but turns on those with an overactive-imagination. Sleazy men get access to various 'pervy' date actions such as bringing the PC to a porno theatre.

Opposed to Charming.


Opposed to THICK_COCK but not to BIG_COCK_HEAD.

Should usually be checked in descriptions of the NPC's penis, especially for PCs who like larger men. Such a PC will usually be less turned-on by actions involving his penis.

The BIG_COCK_HEAD trait counteracts this and PCs who like big men should generally consider small cock + big head to be neutral or slightly positive.


The NPC doesn't speak much. Most NPC speaking actions should check for this trait first. Non-speaking actions that involve speech can sometimes be improved by checking for this trait and replacing the speech line with one involving gestures or the like.

Opposed to Charming and Boastful.


The NPC's sperm is particularly delicious. The PC should gain enjoyment if he finishes in her mouth. Opposed to NASTY_SPERM (obviously).


The man's cock is especially thick. This should be considered in descriptions of how it looks or feels. Checks for this should often also check for the PC having LIKES_BIG.


Usually only appears on Jerk NPCs as it's a very chauvinistic trait. Players can create custom NPCs that are non-jerk traditional characters, but you don't need to write for this possibility. Traditional NPCs will ask the PC to be a housewife after marriage, and will be fine with her deciding to stay a virgin until marriage.


A flag added to an NPC who shows up the the treasure_hunter event when it first fires. Afterwards the scene is restricted to just this NPC.


Opposed to Handsome. The NPC is less attractive. May be worth checking if the PC is insulting him or if you're writing text that implies he's lonely and has a hard time dating. In the latter case also check if the PC's sleeping with him or if he has the Charming trait or is Toned or Muscular as those offer alternative ways of winning over women.

Male or Female


The NPC is bad at dancing and dislikes doing it. Opposed to GOOD_DANCER


The NPC is a prideful and arrogant person who tends to boast a lot about their accomplishments. This can annoy the PC, especially if combined with Dull. However she's usually fine with the NPC boasting if they also have the interesting trait.

Boastful also affects the character's behaviour. A boastful character will be unlikely to do something that makes them look unsuccessful such as asking for help. They'll also tend to be very assured of their own superiority which means they might do things like expecting the PC to dump her boyfriend if she gets a chance to be with them instead.

Boastful characters like it when the PC is shy & quiet because it lets them talk about themselves.

Boastful is opposed to Taciturn.


The NPC can never fall in love: their love points are fixed at zero. This is only rarely checked directly – normally it's fine to just check against Love.


The PC's bf will never discover cheating with this NPC: equivalent to the PC's cunning trait. This is intended for gameplay effects and you shouldn't normally need to vary your scene's text based on it.


The NPC does not want to have children. With impregnator this means he'll try to get the PC pregnant but won't want to stay with her. These NPCs should avoid situations that might land them with a kid to look after – for example they get a penalty for asking the PC to be their girlfriend is she has kids or is pregnant.


The NPC is very boring in conversation. This is mostly relevant in dialogue – they can still be good in bed. Opposed to Interesting.


The NPC is a good dancer: mostly just relevant in dance-based scenes. Opposed to Bad Dancer.


The NPC hates wearing condoms and will be very reluctant to wear one, getting relationship penalties towards pcs who try to press the issue. Opposed to conscientious.


The NPC is bad in bed. Sex and makeout content with this NPC should result in lower arousal & enjoyment for the PC and should usually have alternative text highlighting that the NPC is clumsy, inept or clueless about how to please a woman (or a man, in the case of npc-npc intimacy).

Opposed to both MAGIC_FINGERS, TALENTED_TONGUE and LIKES_GOING_DOWN so you don't need to write content for this trait combined with any of those. Can appear on either male or female NPCs.


The NPC is fun and interesting to talk to. Opposed to Dull. The PC will like spending time with this NPC and should improve relationship facets when she does.


Opposed to LIKES_ORAL and PREFERS_SEX: the NPC only gets (at most) 1 sexual activity preference. Also opposed to IMPREGNATOR as he can't knock someone up via anal.

The NPC should like anal or related things like the PC talking about enjoying it. They should be keen to initiate it given the opportunity.

Before writing any anal content, check $gd.allowAnal. It's possible for a game to have NPCs with this trait even when the option is false. This includes things like characters talking about liking anal sex.


The trait name should be self-explanatory. An NPC can have at most one breast-size preference, and may have none. Typically you would use the likesBreasts and dislikesBreasts methods instead of checking for this trait.


The NPC likes 'casual' girls and dislikes ones who give themselves airs. They should get on better with DOWN_TO_EARTH PCs and worse with POSH or REFINED ones. They should also have preferences on the PC's casualness/elegance scale.

This is often worth checking if he's giving her compliments or insults. However, it is already taken into account for attractiveness calculations so you don't need to make additional checks there. Opposed to LIKES_ELEGANT.


The NPC likes cute/innocent girls and dislikes ones who act overtly sexual. They should get on better with CUTE and SHY PCs and worse with SULTRY or FLIRTY ones. They should also have preferences on how cutely the PC dresses. They'll also like her telling them she's a virgin or generally acting in a 'cute' manner.

This is often worth checking if he's giving her compliments or insults. However, it is already taken into account for attractiveness calculations so you don't need to make additional checks there. Opposed to LIKES_SEXY.


The NPC likes 'elegant' girls and dislikes ones who dress down. They should get on better with POSH and REFINED PCs and worse with DOWN_TO_EARTH ones. They should also have preferences on the PC's casualness/elegance scale.

This is often worth checking if he's giving her compliments or insults. However, it is already taken into account for attractiveness calculations so you don't need to make additional checks there. Opposed to LIKES_CASUAL.


Can technically be added to either male or female NPCs but currently does nothing for female ones. For male NPCs it makes them enjoy giving cunnilingus more, always agree to the PC requesting it and lets them initiate it from makeout scenes.


The trait name should be self-explanatory. An NPC can have at most one breast-size preference, and may have none. Typically you would use the likesBreasts and dislikesBreasts methods instead of checking for this trait.


Likes oral sex. He should be more likely to initiate it and enjoy it more if the PC does so or talks about it.

Opposed to likes_anal and prefers_sex. Also to Impregnator.


The NPC likes 'naughty' girls and dislikes ones who act in a cutesy or innocent manner. They should get on better with SULTRY or FLIRTY PCs and worse with CUTE and SHY ones. They should also have preferences on how cutely the PC dresses. They'll like her taking overtly sexual actions like initiating sex.

This is often worth checking if he's giving her compliments or insults. However, it is already taken into account for attractiveness calculations so you don't need to make additional checks there. Opposed to LIKES_CUTE.


The trait name should be self-explanatory. An NPC can have at most one breast-size preference, and may have none. Typically you would use the likesBreasts and dislikesBreasts methods instead of checking for this trait.


The NPC is good with their hands. Actions where they touch up the PC should usually have alternative text for this trait and get larger arousal increases. You shouldn't give Enjoyment bonuses just him for touching the Pc with this trait – although perhaps increase them if the action also matches one of her sensitivity traits.


The NPC doesn't like other people and their Liking value is capped at the OK level. You won't normally need to vary text directly on this trait - check Liking or Behaviour instead.


Hidden trait that stops the NPC being befriended. Not relevant to your scene unless you're adding friends to the PC, which isn't possible for user-submitted scenes in the current version anyway.


Prevents the Npc appearing randomly in places like the club. They can still ask the PC on dates if they get her number. Typically used to restrict special NPCs to their unique scenes. You won't need to check this in your writing.


Hidden trait, currently restricted to custom NPCs. Caps starting attraction. Typically you wouldn't need to check for this – it'll be considered when you look at an NPC's attractiveness.


Sexual preference trait that's opposed to likes_oral and likes_anal. This was originally envisaged as a "dislikes oral" trait back before anal was added.

This should block the Npc from initiating oral or anal scenes, although in the current version those aren't accessible directly from custom scenes – use a transition to a makeout instead and the makeout will handle this trait.

It's still sometimes going to be relevant for dialogue, NPC preferences or "mini-sex" paths.


Not exactly the most groundbreaking trait. This flags that they've seen the PC's dance winners trophy and thus she can't show it off to him again.


The NPC is especially good at giving cunnilingus. It has no effect for female NPCs in the current version.


Does nothing. To be used as a placeholder if you expect your content to get its own NPC trait. Scenes that need multiple traits can also use **TESTING_TRAIT2 **and TESTING_TRAIT3.


Set when the PC beats up an NPC. I have some fairly limitations on violence in Newlife scenes and in particular you can't submit violent partner abuse, although of course the PC can be quite verbally abusive with the Bitchy trait.

This trait should get set if the NPC is doing something like groping the PC against her will and she takes the option to give him a thumping.


Hidden trait, currently restricted to custom NPCs. Prevents the PC from falling for this NPC. Like the Aromantic trait but just affecting one particular person. You shouldn't need to write for this – checks for love will already take it into account.


NPC equivalent of the PC's passionate_lover trait. Has a significant effect in sex scenes and the like.


The Npc wants to have children, but this doesn't mean they're so desperate for them that they'll try to knock up someone they just met. They should be happier/more accepting of having children with the PC if they're in a relationship with her but this doesn't mean they'll have a problem with her asking for protection.


Female Only


Female equivalent of the HANDSOME trait.


Stops the NPC from deciding to go on the pill unless specifically set via setOnPill. You also need to call setOnPill(false) if you're adding the trait as the trait won't stop her taking it if she already is.


Set when an Innocent friend takes the PC to the bondage-club event. This then combines with that scene's relevant gameFlags to enable the follow-up where she thanks the PC for helping her. Not likely to be relevant for player-written content.


Set when the PC encourages an innocent friend to lose their virginity. Enables the follow-up scene where she asks the PC for help. Not likely to be relevant for player-written content.


Set when an Innocent friend asks the PC how they lost their virginity. Used for scene-control. Not likely to be relevant for player-written content.


Identifies this NPC as the innocent sales colleague who gets her own scene-chain.


Set when an Innocent friend asks the PC how they want to lose their virginity. Used for scene-control. Not likely to be relevant for player-written content.


Flags an innocent female NPC who went down the "romantic" path in the befriending scene and is now dating one of the lowlives: the lowlife in question gets the LOWLIFE_BF trait. These NPCs should generally not be given content where they hook up with other men.


Currently unused. I have an outline written somewhere for some scenes involving an NPC with this trait.


The NPC's contraceptive pills have been sabotaged and will no longer work. This is permanent unless the trait gets removed, which does not happen in the main game at present. Female NPCs only.


Female equivalent of the UGLY trait.


Set when the PC refuses to help an Npc lose her virginity: blocks future requests.


Set when the PC sees a female NPC having sex with her partner. Removed if she breaks up with said partner. This trait makes it more likely the NPC will be chosen if he cheats again.


Identifies this NPC as the rival in the treasure-hunting scene.

PC Behaviours

These are valid behaviours for the PC towards a particular NPC. When using the default behaviour-choice actions (see the yaml guide for details on how to do this), not all behaviours will be available: only ones suitable to the PC and the active male NPC.

Not all scenes track PC behaviour. It's your decision whether it's worthwhile for your scene. Using behaviours gives the player more choice about how they want to act towards an Npc than simply checking relationship & trait levels. However, it can be a fairly heavyweight option and may not be worthwhile if you're only using behaviour in one or two places.

The PC's behaviour will be null if not previously set. If your scene uses behaviours then you should check for nullity whenever the active male NPC gets set (often in the intro) and call behaviour actions. If using the default behaviour actions you'll also need to write an action-response for them. See the yaml guide for more on this.

So, behaviours:


The normal behaviour for most characters: the player acts in a reasonably friendly & polite way but without being especially sexual. This does not mean the PC and the NPC are friends: just that she's being pleasant to them.


The PC is flirting with the NPC, but in a socially-acceptable way that doesn't verge into overt sexuality.


The PC is being overtly sexual to the NPC. This might be seen as inappropriate in some settings, and NPCs with LIKES_CUTE will dislike it. NPCs with LIKES_SEXY will enjoy this though.


Only available to shy characters. The PC is too shy to speak much. Most NPCs will find it annoying to talk to someone like this but BOASTFUL ones will enjoy the chance to talk about themselves and ones with LIKES_CUTE might find the PC's shyness sweet.


The PC is acting in a romantic way. Characters who don't have feelings towards her might find it inappropriate. Ones who love her will enjoy this. Characters with the ROMANTIC personality will usually enjoy this, as long as their love is higher than the minimum value.


The PC is acting in a cutesy sweet-and-innocent way. The game doesn't track if the PC is genuinely like this or if it's an act she's putting on. As such, it's easiest to focus writing on what the Pc says & does rather than commenting on her reasons for it.


The PC is being cold and offputting to the NPC. This is obviously rude and all NPCs dislike it.


The PC is being rude, insulting and aggressive. Every NPC will hate this.

Player Traits

Checked via $w.hasTrait(traitName). Player traits cover all kinds of things. Many are very important when it comes to writing. You'll often find yourself writing alternative text for different traits and adding trait-specific actions.

Some traits are opposed to each other, and the character creation screen will prevent them being taken together. e.g. Plain and Beautiful or Outgoing and Shy. You don't need to consider these combinations in your writing as they'll never appear in-game.

Cheat Traits:

These traits indicate that the player chosen the specified cheat at character creation.

They should not normally be used to game any significant writing – they aren't available to non-patrons and my policy is that there shouldn't be any substantial content that's blocked from public-version players.

Single throwaway lines are fine though, as is recognising the trait in a short alternative action description or whatever. They shouldn't have full passages of text, actions or god-forbid entire scenes restricted to them though. The key question when writing is: "Could a public-version player be reasonably disappointed not to see this content?" If the answer is yes, it shouldn't be blocked from them.






Character Background Traits:


This trait means the player took the female-start. They might still have been transformed (see NOT_TRANSFORMED below) but will not have ever been a man. Any gender-bender content must check for this trait and provide alternative text as appropriate.


This means the character was not transformed in the game introduction sequence. This only happens if they took the female start and said that their age & body-type was within those implemented in the game. Quickstart female-start characters have this trait.


This means the character began the game as a non-virgin. This is never set for male-start characters but might be for female-start ones depending on their character creation choices. It's used in-game to block text that assumes the PC has never e.g. had an orgasm from sex just because the stat based on in-game encounters is zero..


Set mid-game if the PC has successfully made a porn film that's good enough to sell. Making a bad porno that doesn't appear in the sleazy cinema won't add this trait.

Mutation Traits

These traits usually should not affect text or descriptions: their purpose is to have specific strictly-defined effects on game mechanics and they are not intended to add complexity to the writing.


Increases how fast pregnancies proceed for the PC.


Gives the pill a high failure rate, although the PC seems unaware of this in-game.


Massively increases the chance of condoms breaking without sabotage. Again, the PC and her partners do not seem to be aware of this so you don't need to write alternative dialogue for it.


Classing this under 'mutations' feels a bit rude to people with IRL fertility issues – my apologies!

This trait blocks impregnation but the idea is that neither the PC nor anyone else actually knows that she's infertile. As such, you should not modify your text on it. This allows people who enjoy impregnation-risk text to see it even if they don't like their character actually getting pregnant. Note that characters with this trait can still get pregnant if the player gets the fertility treatment.


This makes it so isLactating always returns true unless lactation is disabled in the game options. You should use isLactating instead of checking this trait as it also handles situations where the PC lactates despite not having the trait due to pregnancy.

Willpower Traits

The PC can have at most 1 of these. If they have 0 then that means they have normal willpower.

You normally will not check these traits directly – use testWill instead. However, there are some situations where you might want specific high/low will content that a willpower test isn't suitable for: generally when the character's arousal won't very at that point in the scene such as when she's having an orgasm.




Character Traits

These represent how the PC appears to others. In very early versions of the game they were "voice" traits and affected how she spoke. They've since broadened to cover general behaviour.

The PC will have at most 1 of these. There isn't a trait for "normal". That's just the absence of the other traits.

These traits have a big effect on the PC behaviour system. This isn't currently available for custom scenes but I'll no doubt add it as I extend them. It's often better to check for PC behaviours rather than character traits directly, but not all scenes have a set PC behaviour so that won't always be an option.

Each of the character traits provides a significant increase to the associated cute/naughty/elegant/casual stat.


The opposite of 'posh'. Associated with casualness.

I guess I must have had plans for it back in 2013, but the poshness/casualness continuum hasn't really had as much content as the cuteness/naughtiness one. There are some scenes where they'll matter and it's worth checking them against an NPC's preference traits if you're writing compliments or insults, but overall the down-to-earth and posh traits tend to be more peripheral.

The PC probably speaks with some sort of working-class accent, but you can't easily make assumptions about this because she isn't necessarily even British. The intro implies that the PC is the player themselves in the future, and only around 7% of my players are from the UK, according to blogger stats. Just another reason to avoid directly quoted speech.

Generally should avoid snooty 'posh' events. For example, if you're writing an event where the PC visits the opera it should probably be blocked for down_to_earth or have an alternative intro where she only goes because of her friend/date's encouragement.

Down-to-earth is opposed to the Refined trait. Of course a working-class character could be refined – this would imply a sort of would-be social-climber. However, I assume that such a character would hide their down-to-earth background and would therefore have a different character trait: probably "normal".


The opposite of down-to-earth. Associated with elegance.

The character comes across as being posh and upper-class. Again, we can't assume this is from the British upper-classes.

This doesn't necessarily mean the character is obsessed with class and status: use Refined for that. A posh character could be quite chilled-out, but her background would be evident in how she speaks and behaves.


The opposite of sultry. Associated with cuteness.

Note that the cute trait has no opposites; it's possible for a character to be both cute and flirty.

This is one of the harder ones to write for, because it isn't clear if the character is genuinely naïve & innocent, or if she's just putting on a cutesy act. In some cases you can be a bit ambiguous: often both would act the same.

Otherwise, if you to assume she's genuinely naïve then that's fine for smaller pieces of writing. For significant events such as if a guy's taking advantage of her you should check associated traits (usually isVirgin). If they match you can probably safely assume she's genuinely an innocent. Otherwise it's a good idea to let the player choose: have an action or actions that assume she's genuinely naïve but have one where she shows she actually does know what's going on.

Cute characters should act in a stereotypically innocent, girlish way – cuteness is kind of associated with immaturity. However, you shouldn't have her act in a way that implies she's pretending to be underage – this is something that will make quite a few players uncomfortable.


The opposite of Cute. Associated with naughtiness.

The sultry trait is opposed to SHY.

This implies the character has a very overt sexuality, perhaps so much so that it can seem over-the-top.

I originally envisaged it as a character whose understanding of how women act is more informed by porn than by real life. Of course Newlife is an adult product so that's a perfectly reasonable way for someone to want their character to act – scenes should avoid "judging" the character by her behaviour although individual NPCs can do so, especially if they have likes_cute.

Over time I've sort of softened that perception a bit. There are still some OTT behaviours associated with the trait, but it could also represent a character who's simply directly sexual rather than being flirtatious. It's the difference between flirting with a guy and hinting he can take you home and simply telling him directly that she wants to fuck. In fact, if we were to convert NPCs to PCs then quite a few Sophisticated female NPCs could have this trait.

As a rule of thumb, if you're giving the character sexual behaviour, ask yourself if it's something you'd be likely to see in real life – not just in rare extreme cases, but from an "ordinary girl". If it is then you should allow it for any character, or limit it by the more moderate "flirty" trait. If it's the sort of over the top behaviour that feels more suited to porn films then it should be gated by Sultry. E.g. she grinds her butt against a stranger in a club: flirty (or drunk or whatever). She takes his cock out on the dancefloor and starts sucking him off: sultry.

In addition, when gating actions by the flirty trait, consider whether to use flirty OR sultry. If the action implies she's especially skilled or practiced at flirtation then it should only check flirty, but if it's just a matter of her putting herself out there then either is fine.

A theme I've seen in some other adult games is the idea that if a character "acts like a slut" then she'll get a "reputation" and guys will start "treating her like one". This is fine for those games which are focusing on different fetishes such as humiliation, but I prefer to take a different approach in Newlife. In fact I almost never use words like "slut" at all unless it's from a (usually-jerk) NPC insulting the player. In Newlife the PC can be as promiscuous as she likes, and she isn't going to get judged for it unless she's cheating on her partner (or unless the judger is an asshole).

(normal – not a trait):

There isn't a trait for the 'normal' character type: it's defined as the absence of the others. Normal usually doesn't need unique content, but this might be necessary if you're writing an if statement where all the others get distinctive text. In hindsight I'm not sure if having the various normal/average settings on many of these enums was a good idea, but I don't intend to make a change at this stage.

Personality Traits

These traits affect the PC's personality. As such, they're relevant in an awful lot of writing and will very frequently need unique actions or alternative text passages. Some are more significant than others: LSE, Shy, Flirty, Bitchy, Maternal, Romantic in particular get a lot of content.


The PC is an ambitious and driven person, who really cares about success in her career. Opposed to Relaxed.

Mostly just relevant for work-related scenes but could also be used in competitive hobby-type events like the dance contest.

An ambitious PC can unlock actions that'd normally be blocked to her if they'll further her career. For example, your scene might limit getting sexual with her boss to when she fancies him, but an ambitious character might do it even if she finds him unattractive if she thinks it'll help her win a promotion in the future.

Ambitious characters should get stress/anxiety reduction when they achieve major successes such as promotions or winning the dance contest – of course promotions can't be awarded in user-written content, but it's to be considered if your scene involves a similar accomplishment.

An ambitious character should also approve of NPCs acting in a similarly-driven way unless it's directly against her interests, and she should disapprove of men who lack that drive. An exception could be made if their lack of career-focus is to her benefit. For instance if she has kids then a "house-husband" type of man who'll free her up to be a success at work might make a good spouse.


Only partially-implemented. You should probably write for this in your scenes as it's likely to get put into the game before too long, but bear in mind that the PC can't currently choose it so it may not be a good idea to write giant paths of content limited to just this character.

Baby-crazy is intended as an extreme version of the Maternal trait. One where the PC will do insane things like trying to get pregnant by men she's only just met.

Baby-crazy should completely block any player-actions involving contraception or trying not to get pregnant. It can also be worth writing dialogue lines or alternative text for this.


The 'evil' trait.

Opposed only to NICE. This is important: a PC can have traits like SHY, CUTE or LOW_SELF_ESTEEM that might be associated with the stereotypically sweet & innocent character and still be a horrible person. When writing for these PCs you can't always assume she's a mild-hearted sweetie – check for this trait. Of course a cute bitchy girl might appear to be all sweetness and light... until she shows her true colours and uses her venomous tongue to (figuratively) cut the hapless NPC to pieces.

This should gate a lot of the nastier stuff the PC can do. In some cases nastier actions can also be unlocked if she dislikes the NPC and lacks the NICE trait, but this is to be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on how harsh they are. Also consider limiting her cruelty if she really likes or loves the NPC in question.

Particularly nice actions can sometimes be worth blocking for characters with this trait too.

It's often worth writing alternative text when she does things like rejecting men or asking them to leave. The normal version can be polite while the bitchy version can be cutting, rude or cruel. The player shouldn't be given a choice about being rude in these cases: they chose the trait and the associated relationship penalties are a price they have to pay.

Bitchy characters should get a small stress reduction if they get to enjoy being horrid to someone.

Some actions available to these characters should increase the ACTS_OF_EVIL stat.


Doesn't respect herself and will generally not think well of herself. A fairly complex trait to write for. Some pointers:

  • She generally reacts well to being treated disrespectfully as it's how she feels she deserves to be treated, and should get lower (or no) relationship penalties.
  • She might react worse to being treated very nicely or complimented. She has trouble accepting that a compliment could be genuine so she might assume that a man being nice to her is actually trying to manipulate or trick her.
  • Might agree with an NPC who insults her.
  • Might sabotage good relationships, as she feels she doesn't deserve them or that the NPC would be better off with another woman.
  • May be worth mentioning in descriptive text. For instance instead of something like "he looks at you open-mouthed, captivated by your beauty" you might write "he stares at you, and you shiver uncomfortably, sure that's he's judging you" or "he stares at you, clearly admiring your looks. You smile, happy to be recognised for the only thing that gives you value".


The PC is shy and quiet, disliking confrontation. Opposed to Sultry, Outgoing and Flirty.

Most NPCs will dislike talking with an over-quiet PC, except for men with LIKES_CUTE or BOASTFUL.


The PC is especially flirtatious, and is good at flirting too. Opposed to Shy.


The PC is outgoing and extroverted. They like spending time with people and are generally better at it, although you can usually check charm instead of this trait directly – they get a bonus to the skill.


The PC is very nice and kind-hearted. Usually good to mention when she's being complimented. She has a hard time being cruel to people and should have mean actions blocked or suffer stress from them. Opposed to Bitchy.


The PC is comfortable with the idea of being a mother, and better at raising children (although this is usually handled with their starting increase to the Childcare skill). Maternal PCs should get alternative text related to pregnancy.

Note the difference from BABY_CRAZY. A Maternal PC is still rational. They'll see the bright side of an accidental pregnancy but they aren't going to head out and try to get impregnated by random strangers who'll leave them as a single mum.


The opposite to Ambitious. A relaxed PC is more laid-back and doesn't let things bother her as much. She also doesn't care about her career very much and won't work as hard as a PC without this trait.


The PC is very romantic. She falls in love more easily and adores men who treat her with romance. For very big romantic gestures also check her love level. If it's at SOME or higher then she'll love them, at NONE she might be disappointed that they're coming from that particular NPC instead of someone she likes better.


Unlike the other personality traits, aromantic is not intended to influence writing very much. It's a newer trait specifically added on the understanding that it wouldn't meaningfully increase the complexity of adding new content. As such, you usually won't need to check for it.

Aromantic completely blocks increases in Love for the player, but this is handled by the various love-increase methods and you don't need to put in checks yourself.

Sexual Preference Traits


The PC orgasms more easily. Usually won't need extensive writing, but can sometimes be worth mentioning in text or dialogue.


The PC doesn't orgasm as often, an opposite to Hair Trigger.


The PC's pussy is especially wet and well-lubricated. Generally just modifies descriptions of it, but also makes it easier for her to have sex (by modifying the comfort arousal level threshold).


The PC gains extra arousal from stimulation of her vagina, both from sex and touching. You need to implement this in any such actions you write. It's usually a good idea to mention it in the text too so the player knows that their trait choice is having an effect.

This is generally the strongest arousal-increasing trait because it takes effect every turn in the sex scenes..


The PC gets extra arousal from having her breasts caressed. You may wish to cap arousal increases from some actions to stop the PC orgasming from less intense types of touches. If you're doing this for breast-groping then PCs with this trait should ignore the cap.


The PC is more passionate and energetic when having sex. They're also louder and should be described as such. This trait overrides Shy once the PC starts to get highly aroused during sex: they might barely speak normally but they'll scream their heads off when they're about to come.

This is listed under preferences because it also affects the type of sexual activity the PC prefers – she should have a liking for more passionate encounters and be less thrilled by tender lovemaking.


The PC fantasizes about sex more and is more easily turned on by dirty talk.


The PC enjoys unprotected sex more.


The PC likes men with large penises. Check the THICK_COCK and SMALL_COCK traits and, to a lesser extent, BIG_COCK_HEAD.


The PC likes giving oral sex.


The PC enjoys being treated roughly in a sexual manner.


The PC likes anal sex. If you're writing general sexual dialogue where characters hint at what they like then you should write lines for this. She should also get increased arousal/enjoyment from anal-related actions by NPCs.

When writing anal content, be sure to check the game-option isn't set to disable it. See the GameData method reference for more on this.


The PC is more attracted to older men. This affects attraction so you'll usually be ok just checking that for most pieces of writing. It might be worth checking directly if you're writing text that specifies his age so you can tell the difference between the PC being attracted to someone despite his age or because of it.

Sexual skill traits


The PC's pussy is very tight and men will orgasm more easily from sex with her (and enjoy it more).


The PC is very skilled with her hands. She should give more arousal and enjoyment when using them to please a man, and the text should reflect that skill.


The PC is very skilled at oral sex, giving more arousal and enjoyment.

Other Traits


The PC is especially beautiful. This is already taken into account when you check attractiveness.

However, there are some situations where it should get special text e.g. LOW_SELF_ESTEEM characters who are also BEAUTIFUL might not be insecure about their looks but rather about other things instead.

It should also be used in situations where an NPC cares about how his girlfriend looks to others: a beautiful PC would count as "arm-candy" to impress other people whereas one who isn't beautiful but has high attractiveness would be very sexy to him but perhaps not so good for showing off.


A hidden trait that's set when the player chooses to block rough content in the game. It's really a player option rather than a character trait.

This should act as a hard block for all such content, whether it's initiated by the PC or by an NPC. Scenes for which such content is completely critical should be blocked when their pre-conditions are checked. Other scenes should make sure there's always a non-rough path and that this is the only one available when this trait exists.

As this is really a game setting respecting it should always override anything else, no matter how much you feel rough content might suit the situation or an NPC's character.


The PC is very resistant to alcohol. Mostly handled by the isDrunk and isVeryDrunk checks which will always return false for these PCs.


A trait based around deceit and secrecy. It's intended to mostly only be used in scenes based around cheating and similar: this blocks random discovery of her infidelities and stops the dirty client's wife from catching her getting busy with him.

Although this stops random discoveries of her cheating, it doesn't mean this will never come to light. In particular, the man she cheated with might tell her partner.

You normally won't need to worry about writing special content for this, unless your scene is based around the PC keeping something a secret.


The PC sometimes forgets to take her pill. You can extend this to refer to other situations too, but don't overdo it. She's a bit ditzy; she doesn't have brain damage.


The PC has low standards and gets an increase to attraction towards all NPCs. You won't often need to check this in text: attraction checks already include the effect.


The PC gets a bonus to her knowledge of NPCs. May be worth handling in scenes if it seems especially relevant. For example perceptive PCs are better at spotting condom sabotage.


Opposite to low_standards.


Opposite to Beautiful. Attractiveness effects are already handled when you check attraction so you don't need to check for it there.

This is useful to check directly when a LOW_SELF_ESTEEM PC is being insecure, or someone insults the PC. You can also write "you're beautiful to me" type of content for NPCs who have high attraction to her despite this trait.

A character with neither the beautiful nor the plain trait counts as "pretty", the default level of facial attractiveness.


The PC is very concerned by seeming 'proper' and 'correct'. She'll tend to dislike interacting with CRUDE and SLEAZY men. The PC should be opposed to acting in a way that she fears will affect her reputation such as going to the nightclub toilets with a man. This principally affects how she acts in public – she isn't opposed to having sex in private.

Note that the PC's fears about how she's seen are basically groundless in the Newlife world. Non-jerk people aren't going to judge her for being a "slut", but she'll still judge herself and feel bad about it.

Pregnancy Stage

The physical stage of the PC or a female NPC's pregnancy, expressed as a description of her belly. It's accessed via getPregnancyStage(). Not pregnant uses FLAT but so does first-trimester. You should use isKnownPregnant() rather than checking pregnancy stage if you just want to know if the PC is with child. For NPCs use isPregnant or isLatePreg if you're only checking for 3^rd^ trimester.

This ties in with getStomachDesc() which provides a short text description suitable for inserting into sentences. IsLactating() is another method to consider when writing about pregnancy. Currently isLactating just returns true in late pregnancy but in the future I want to extend that so it'll also cover a period after childbirth.

Rough sex actions involving the stomach should check pregnancy stage and be disabled if they'd clearly be unsafe. The same goes for situations where a large belly would prevent actions. For example face-to-face standing sex is unavailable in late pregnancy (i.e. BIG/HUGE). Text that involves the PC drinking alcohol should check isKnownPregnant first and have alternative pregnancy text.

There are a few further pregnancy/children related methods that aren't currently exposed in custom scenes. I intend to add them in time, once I've got initial feedback on the system. If you plan to write content centred on the PC's pregnancy or family then send me an outline and I'll see if I need to expedite adding any of them. And once again a reminder: text that mentions the PC's kids can't do so in a sexualised way, and they can't be present in scenes where sexual activity takes place.

FLAT ("flat stomach"):

The PC has a flat stomach: either she isn't pregnant or she's in the first trimester.

BUMP("small baby bump"):

The PC is in the 2^nd^ trimester. She's visibly pregnant but her belly isn't especially large yet. The PC will always know she's pregnant by this stage – you don't need to have different paths based on isKnownPregnant for any stage except FLAT.

BIG("pregnant belly"):

The PC is in the 1^st^ half of the 3^rd^ trimester.

HUGE("heavily pregnant belly"):

The PC is in the final part of her 3^rd^ trimester and will be giving birth soon.

Relationship Flag

These flags are stored for the relationship between the PC and an NPC. As Relationships in Newlife are always PC-NPC, in practice this overlaps heavily with NPC traits and there are often situations where some piece of information could be tracked as either. If it's related to a relationship and doesn't need to be shown in the character browser, then using a relationship flag is IMO preferable.

The following are flags that you may find it useful to be able to check.


The PC has asked the NPC to just be friends and he has accepted this, perhaps with some reluctance.

This should be un-set if she initiates any sexual activity with him in your scene. Transitions to existing sex/makeout scenes do not need to remove it, as they'll automatically clear the flag.

This should block him from making sexual advances to the PC unless he's in a situation where his desires should override it. For instance if he's drunk, has high arousal, is especially attracted to her, or feels that the PC has been leading him on.


Temporary flag that lasts for 1 week. Automatically set when the JUST_FRIENDS flag is removed. Check this if your scene has an action where the PC can tell an NPC to just be friends: it's used to stop the player from setting & un-setting the flag within the same scene chain.


Sets rough-mode to always be enabled with these characters. To check rough-mode you should use$scene.roughAgreed which will also check for temporary rough-mode. However, if you're writing an action where always-rough gets set then you should first check it isn't already enabled.


Prevents removing always-rough status. You should check this before any actions that do so.


Set if the PC refuses an NPCs marriage proposal. Makes it less likely he'll propose in the future.


Set when the NPC proposes marriage and the PC tells him she isn't ready yet. Has few game-effects, but may sometimes be worth checking for dialogue, e.g. if the NPC is hoping that some romantic gesture will change her mind.


Gets set if the NPC does the PC a large favour, but currently has no game-effects. Currently this is only set when he pays for her wedding dress.


Set if the NPC has told the PC that he'll break up with her if she cheats again. Will never be set by DOORMAT or LIKES_TO_SHARE NPCs.


The PC's partner has agreed that she can have sex with this NPC. Any further sexual activities between them won't count as cheating.


The PC has discovered that the NPC likes to share. Sexual activity while he's the BF will no longer count as cheating.


Locks trying-for-baby status. This should block any actions that remove it other than actually giving birth.


Set to true if the NPC was the PC's boss when she texted him a topless photo. If this is set then the sales boss will talk about it at lunch, after which the flag is removed.


These three flags can be used as placeholders in your scenes if they need new flags to be added. I'll replace them with appropriate ones when the scene gets integrated to the game. Be sure to leave a comment explaining what values should be added and what they do.

Relationship Status

The PC has a relationship status with each NPC, although this is only really relevant for male ones. It can be accessed by the getRelationship() method on any NPC.

The NPC and PC relationship description returns an appropriate 1- or 2-word description of the relationship. E.g. "boyfriend", "girlfriend", "stranger" etc. In practice it's mostly used after checking isPartner to determine between boyfriend, fiancé and husband – the values for stranger, acquaintance and date are "stranger", "acquaintance" and "romantic interest" which don't necessarily fit as neatly into a sentence.

Relationship status can be changed by choosing the changeRelationshipStatus(String) method or the breakup(boolean) one. You should always use breakup when transitioning from couple or engaged to not being in a relationship any more.

Any relationship status of COUPLE or higher counts as being the PC's partner. The PC should only have 1 partner at a time. You need to check that the PC is single first if you want to make an NPC her boyfriend.

STRANGER: starting level. Automatically moves to acquaintance when knowledge reaches a certain level.

ACQUAINTANCE: At this level NPCs will appear in the npc browser.

DATE: Set when the PC goes out with an NPC.

COUPLE: boyfriend/girlfriend. Counts as being the PC's partner. The game currently only supports relationships with men so setting a female NPC to be the PC's girlfriend would likely be buggy.

ENGAGED: Engaged to be married. If you're writing content where the PC or her partner gets angry and may dump the other one then you might want to write alternative versions for engaged and perhaps versions where they just break off the engagement but remain a couple. Implement this by calling changeRelationshipStatus("COUPLE"): Breakup is only used for full breakups.

MARRIED: Implemented in 0.4.16. The PC is married to this NPC. You can assume they live together as well, although cohabitation content will probably be improved on in later versions. Being married will always activate any Vows. At present there are no plans to implement divorce. If you have writing that involves a breakup it should check for marriage first and have an alternative non-breakup path instead.

Scene Flag

Scene flags are not an enum value – they can take the form of any string and you will not get an error for setting or checking a value not listed here.

You can (and often should) add your own flags to track information within your scene and pass it to sub-scenes. If a scene flag is only relevant to your scene then you should prepend it with the scene's name to avoid possible conflicts with sub-scenes. For instance the jerk-blackmail scene uses "JERK_BLACKMAIL_WANTS_ORAL**" **instead of just "WANTS_ORAL".

These are some scene flags that are used by existing scenes. These may be useful to check when returning from them to tailor your returning section to whatever happened in the sub-scene. They can also be useful to control what can happen in a follow-up scene.

This isn't a complete list of every flag in these scenes – just a selection that are likely to be important. I'll add more if they prove relevant to writers.

Post-sex flags

These flags are cleared by $scene.clearPostSexFlags. They're relevant only for a single sex or makeout scene. Some are used to restrict actions in a sex scene and should be sex beforehand, others are sex in the sex scene and allow information to be handled in the returning section.






DONT_UNDRESS: Used in the makeout and oral scenes to stop the PC's upper-body clothing from being removed. She can still take off her bra if the top's already exposed but cannot remove or expose her top or take off her legwear. The NPC will not do so either (specifically the UNDRESS makeout action is removed from the list, but the READY_SEX one remains).

MO_REJECTION: Only applies if the harsher "stop touching me" rejection was used. The standard "end makeout" action doesn't set a flag. Used in returning sections to handle negative outcomes from makeouts.

STOPPED_SEX: Another harsh rejection: can often be handled together with the above flag, often with the NPC leaving in a huff.

BLOCK_REJECTIONS: Blocks rejection actions – set this before initiating a makeout if it wouldn't make sense for the PC to reject the NPC. For instance, it's set in some situations where the PC has just accepted a marriage proposal and it'd be bizarre for her to follow-up by turfing her fiancé out of bed.

BLOCK_REQ_STOP_ROUGH: Stops the PC asking the NPC to stop being rough. Currently only gets used in the lowlife scene.

LOST_VIRGINITY: Set at the end of a PIV sex scene if the PC lost her (vaginal) virginity. Intended for virginity-loss text in the returning section.

NPC specific flags

These flags are removed when you change active NPC, as long as the active npc was previously set to a different character.

INHIBIT_SABOTAGE: Reduces the chances of condom sabotage.

TOLD_VIRGIN_NOPREG: The NPC told the PC that she can't get pregnant because it's her first time.

AGREED_ROUGH: Temporary agreed rough-mode. Use $scene.isNpcRough and $scene.isRoughAgreed to check for rough-mode, but this can be checked along with isNpcRough to see if he's being rough because she okayed it, or because he's an asshole.

ASKED_BARE: Set when the PC asks the NPC for bare sex, regardless of whether he agrees or not.

AGREED_BARE: Set when the PC and Npc agree not to use a condom. Add this before transitioning to a makeout scene to disable condom requests.

AGREED_INSEMINATION: Blocks pulling-out finishes for sex. Typically combined with the above condom-disabling flag.

NO_ORAL: Blocks oral sex. Typically set when a character rejects it.

BLOCK_ANAL: Blocks anal sex. Typically set when a character rejects it.

LIED_CLAIMING_UNPROTECTED: The PC told the NPC she was unprotected, even though she's actually on the pill. You may need to check this in some dialogue, if the PC has had a chance to take the appropriate action in a makeout scene.

NO_CUNNILINGUS: Added if a request for cunnilingus is refused. Blocks further requests from the player and initiation from the NPC.

ONLY_NPC_CUNNILINGUS: Stops the PC requesting cunnilingus but allows the NPC to initiate it. Newlife uses this in the "get the boss off to get a promotion scene" because the context of the sex scene is that it's about the boss' pleasure so him going down makes sense only if it's what he wants to do.

BLOCK_MILK_ACTIONS: Blocks breastfeeding and similar actions.

Other flags:

BLOCK_PILL_SABOTAGE: Stops the NPC from being able to sabotage the PC's pill. This is currently only set if she discovers a sabotage attempt, but you can set it before going into a date scene if you want to make sure he doesn't get a chance at such shenanigans.

NOT_CHEATING: This marks that whatever's happening in the current scene should not count as cheating. You can set this before calling a makeout scene if e.g the PC's boyfriend has given his approval.

You don't need to set this to mark that the PC is single or that an NPC is her partner: that's handled by the standard cheating logic when you call addSexualActivity and inseminatePlayer.

If your scene is a sub-scene such as a makeout or sex scene then you should check if this flag has been set when you make calls to addSexualActivity and inseminatePlayer.

HUSBAND_AWAY_FOR_NIGHT: Affects the Home-Date scene by letting an NPC sleep over even when the PC lives with her partner. Should only be set when the PC is living with her partner (check via $w.livingWithPartner) and when the NPC is not him.

Sexual Activity

Sexual activity represents whether the PC has done the relevant activity with the NPC. You can check this using the male NPC's hasDoneSexualActivity method. It may be useful in writing dialogue that references a previous hanky-panky.

You should also call addSexualActivity when the PC does something on this list with an NPC, otherwise this won't be recognised in future scenes.


Counts as 'light' cheating only. Set when the PC willingly kisses an NPC, either by initiating it or by being a willing participant.


Light cheating. Set this if the PC touches the NPC's penis.

Light cheating. Set if the NPC gropes the PC's breasts, even through clothing.


Light cheating. Set if the NPC feels up the PC's pussy. This includes touching her through her panties, but not if it's being done through actual lower-body clothing.


Moderate cheating. Set when the NPC makes the PC orgasm. Handled automatically by the causePlayerOrgasm method.


Set when the PC brings the NPC off with her hands.


Set when the PC takes the NPC's cock into her mouth. This should be set at that point, even if the oral sex isn't to completion.


Set when the NPC ejaculates into the PC's mouth. Usually at the end of oral, but not always. If your text is referencing this then you may need to check the NASTY_SPERM and TASTY_SPERM traits.


Set when the PC gives the Npc a titjob, not necessarily to completion.


This and below count as Severe cheating. Set when the PC and NPC have penetrative vaginal sex until he orgasms. Setting this when the PC is a virgin will automatically update her virginity status.

Anal sex: handled similarly to the SEX value.


Should be set when the NPC ejaculates into the PC, regardless of whether it's a safe-day or not. This only applies to full internal ejaculation, not to finishing outside but in a risky position.


As above, but for anal sex.


This can be checked to see if the PC lost her (vaginal) virginity to an NPC. Do not set this via addSexualActivity. Instead you should add the SEX activity and it'll automatically be updated.


As above, but for anal. Should not be set directly – use addSexualActivity("ANAL",...) instead.


Skills can be increased by using the relevant methods on the player context object, although skill-training in scenes should usually be rare and limited to small values. NPCs do not have skills.

The method $w.getSkill("SKILL") will return an int value for the relevant skill.

The maximum skill value is 100 but some traits will limit a character's skill training to lower levels. The property $w.skillMaxed will return true if a skill has reached its maximum value but it's usually better to check against fixed numeric values and if a character's skill ceiling prevents them from accessing a certain action then that's just a consequence of their trait choices.

Skill values can be negative. This is most often seen in CHARM and FEMININITY, both of which can be significantly negative based on character-creation choices.

New skills are likely to be added as the game is developed further. Current skills are:


Currently "Paperwork" in the game UI. Used in the office work career, but not elsewhere.


Represents the pc's interpersonal skills and can be checked to see if they do well in a social situation. Low charm could result in a foot-in-mouth situation while high charm could let them avoid an embarrassment or let them convince someone to their point-of-view.

It may be worth combining charm checks with the isDrunk or isVeryDrunk method as a pissed PC might forget their social skills.

Charm usually should not increase in-scene unless the whole point of the section is training the PC's social skills.


Affects how good the PC is at taking care of children. Rarely used directly in-scene but might be worth checking if e.g. you want someone to compliment the PC on being a good parent. Could be increased if a scene involves extensive interaction with children. However, bear in mind that underage characters can only be present in a scene if it's entirely non-sexual. That includes the PC doing sexual things with an adult NPC in their presence or sexualised depictions of things like breastfeeding and childbirth.


How good the PC is at dancing. Used heavily in scenes where the PC dances and rarely otherwise. Choosing to dance in a scene may increase the skill by a point.


The PC's fashion skill. Don't use this to see if she should be complimented on her clothing as a high-skill PC could still be wearing ill-fitting clothes. Clothing stats should be used instead. The fashion skill could dictate how good the PC is at finding nice clothes in shops, her ability to bargain-hunt for clothing, her ability to recognise how well or poorly someone's dressed or how much of a reputation she has for being a fashion-guru among her friends.


Perhaps the most important skill in most scenes. Femininity represents how comfortable the PC is with being a woman and how convincing their behaviour is. It modifies attractiveness.

Female-start characters currently always have high femininity (starting at 75). I have no particular plans to change this but that isn't a binding promise so it's a good idea to check the ALWAYS_FEMALE trait as well if you're writing content for low-femininity characters that only applies to gender-bent men.

Some things to consider in writing:

Low femininity (say <20, and especially <0) might lead to her being seen as oddly mannish.

Lowish femininity might lead to special text about how the PC is surprised at being treated as a woman or how something is different to when they were male. The exact threshold will vary: if the text is particularly sexy then I'll have a wider range so more players see it. Generally consider <20 or <30, but up to <40 is fine if the text is very interesting or even <50 if it doesn't assume the PC has only just become female.

High femininity especially >75 should result in male-start characters getting the same text as female-start ones, or getting text that mentions them being completely comfortable as a woman, barely remembering what it's like to be a man, or feeling like it'd be strange to be male again.

I have considered adding options to change this, but for now the game assumes that a male-start PC was heterosexual so she had no sexual experience with men before the game began.

Femininity can increase if the PC does something that represents acceptance of being female.


How fit and strong the PC is. Somewhat influenced by body-type, although it's possible for a toned character to have low fitness or a slim one to be quite strong.

Should be checked anytime the PC's strength is relevant or if you want to add text that implies she's strong or weak compared to an NPC. NPCs do not have skills, but you can figure out an approximate strength hierarchy from their body-types.


Appears as "Business management" in the character screen. Only used for career progression.


Numeric stats. Mostly these are shown in the character screen and for many this is their sole purpose. Some stats are checked in the code though: for example RELATIONSHIP_DURATION is used in the anniversary scene to figure out which anniversary the player's celebrating.

There are a few hidden stats that aren't shown to the player.

New stats can be added for user-submitted scenes if they're really needed.

You should increase stats as appropriate in your scenes. Stats like money earned will automatically be changed when you call the methods to change the PC's money though, so you don't need to worry about those. As a rule of thumb, if the method has enough information to increase a stat, it will. So calling the haveOrgasm method will increase all_orgasms but you need to increase sex_orgasms or anal_orgasms manually as it doesn't know what's happening in your scene to make the PC come.





SEX_PARTNERS: Unique sexual partners. Vaginal sex only.

SHAGS: or "times had sex", as it appears in the character screen. This is only vaginal sex.



















DRINKS_TREATED: Times someone's bought a drink for the PC.


BEATINGS_GIVEN: "Can't act like a twat and not expect a little tap, just a little tap on the nose". Seriously though, I feel that actual domestic violence is a bit too dark for how I like to imagine Newlife so leave beatings for criminals and the like and restrict the pc to only verbally abusing her boyfriend...

ACTS_OF_EVIL: Increase this as appropriate when the PC does something evil. Evil actions are often but not always restricted to bitch characters.


WEEKS_HIGH_STRESS: Extreme/max stress weeks also increment this.

WEEKS_EXTREME_STRESS: Max stress weeks also increment this.


ANXIETY: total anxiety gained across the whole game.

RELATIONSHIP_DURATION: weeks in current relationship. Multiples of 26 are anniversaries.

WEEKS_SINCE_ORGASM: Weeks since the last time the PC had an orgasm in a scene. Incremented by 1 at the start of each week.

WEEKS_SINCE_SEX: Weeks since the last time the PC had vaginal sex. Incremented by 1 at the start of each week.

WEEKS_SINCE_ANAL: Weeks since the last time the PC had anal sex. Like other anal stats, it's only shown on the character screen when anal content is enabled. Incremented by 1 at the start of each week.

WEEKS_SINCE_INSEMINATION: Weeks since the last time the PC was inseminated. This counts all inseminations including any that didn't involve penetration.

These are some of the hidden stats. They're used to control access to certain scenes or activities.





OFFICE_RIVAL_DOMINANCE: Values above 100 enable the scene where the rival begs the PC for mercy. It can go negative but you should check its current value before reducing it and not drop it below -50 so the player still has some chance of recovery even if the rival is beating her at first. You only need to change this if you're writing content involving the PC and office rival competing with each-other.


Items that the PC can buy or otherwise acquire. The most important one is obviously the kettle, which must be obtained for her to make tea.





























Top Type

Top type is (obviously) only available for tops and affects quite a bit of undressing text. There are a number of real-world top-types that aren't implemented in the game, and this sometimes restricts the addition of new items.




ZIP (zips down the back, may or may not have sleeves – that's left unspecified)

BUTTONS (buttons down the front)

SLEEVED (not implemented yet, but will be in the future – probably the next significant addition to the player's clothing options. Intended for t-shirts and similar. These are delayed because unlike the other types their EXPOSED state would be pulled up above the PC's breasts instead of down around her waist so a fair bit of descriptive text needs to be rewritten for them to be added).


Vows are promises made in a special scene while a couple is engaged. Use the NPC method hasActiveVow to see if a player has a certain vow agreed with that NPC.

Vows are only relevant for couples and only at ENGAGED or MARRIED relationship status (depending on game options). As such, you don't need to check vows for female NPCs or if you know an NPC isn't the PC's partner.

Vows are treated as binding promises in-game, and the player should not be given the option to break an active vow. For instance, any actions where she requests a condom or puts one on her partner should check for an active NO_CONDOMS vow first and be disabled if that's set.

The vow doesn't define who asked for it. While many vows can only be requested by one partner some are available for both. In any case, you can't assume that one character has been unhappily pressured into agreeing to a vow as they could have been happy about the request even if they didn't ask for it themselves. The only exception would be if a character has traits that clearly show they'd be opposed to a certain trait, such as an NPC with doesnt_want_kids having agreed to have a family.

More vows may be added as the game is developed further.


The NPC has agreed to give financial support to the PC. Should be checked if she asks her partner to pay for something for her. If he's promised this vow then he should agree regardless of his opinion.


The NPC has agreed to help raise any children the PC has. This applies to both her kids with him and any she had with other men before. The vow is available to couples without kids, referring to their future children. Check $w.isMum() to see if the PC has children.

This is mostly significant for its gameplay effects in week procession and usually won't matter in writing, but if you're including a scene with the PC struggling with her kids then you should consider checking for this with her boyfriend and having him help.


The couple has promised to have at least one child. This sets the tryingForBaby relationship flag once active until the vow is completed. tryingForBaby is not fully implemented yet but it's still a good idea to take it into account when writing new scenes. You usually would just need to check tryingForBaby in your writing rather than the individual babymaking vows.


Like HAVE_CHILD but only completed when the PC has a son.


Like HAVE_CHILD but only completed when the PC has had 3 children.


Like HAVE_CHILD but is never completed and will permanently set the couple as trying for children.


Blocks the PC from refusing sex from her partner.


Blocks either partner from using condoms.


Stops the PC from going on the pill. You'd normally just check isOnPill rather than worrying about vows.


Requires the PC to go on the pill and stops her going off it unless the couple are explicitly trying for a baby. Your writing will usually just need to check isOnPill as it's rare that a scene would need to change the PC's pill status.


The NPC will always wear a condom before sex unless the PC specifically asks him not to. TryingForBaby status will override this.