oRA2 is a lightweight alternative for CTRaidAssist. This is the version 17956 from Zerf
- Auto-invite : set up one keyword, anyone who will whisper you with that keyword will be invited
- Auto-promote : set up one or more nicknames, everyone in the auto-promote list will be automatically promoted
- Resistance Check : check the resistances from all the people
- Durability Check : check the durability from all the people
- Item check : check who has a specific item
- Vote : allows to make a vote
- Improved Ready Check : better ready check than the original
- Close any instance of WoW
- Download oRA2 Zip file
- Extract the zip file wherever you want
⚠️ Rename the folder "oRA2-master" to "oRA2"⚠️ - Copy the folder "oRA2" to Wow_Folder\Interface\AddOns. Your addon folder should look like this :
├── WoW_Folder
├── Interface
├── Addons
├── oRA2
├── oRA2.toc
- This is what you should have on character selection screen :
FuBar : will allow to get a button to FuBar instead of minimap