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tesTk is based on the tkinter library. The first layer of each widget is a canvas, so you decide how the widget will look and change. You can create animations, draw your own controls, change widget shapes. You can also easily combine multiple widgets into one. Tkinter Canvas allows you ->heck Wiki

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More information about tesTk can be found on the Wiki. I invite you to discus.

tesTk - Tkinter Widget's

tesTk is Tkinter's modern widgets design. It is based on the tkinter canvas widget. You can use tesTk just like tkinter.


Tool for basic widget configuration. Widget shape, background and foreground layer, font style and size, setting images and their positions. Easy and fast generation of widget parameters.


from tkmodule import App
from widgets import tesButton

settings = {
	'width':            200,
	'height':           44,
	'backgroundidx':    2,
	'bordercoloridx':   3,
	'fontsize':         19,
	'textoffset':       6,
	'iconoffset':       7,
	'background':       'sea blue',
	'bordercolor':      'black',
	'textcolor':        'white',
	'fonttype':         'Arial',
	'textposition':     'center',
	'text':             'tesTk',
	'icon':             './icons/tk_smal.png',
	'iconposition':     'w',
	'style':            'simple'}

app = App()
tesButton(app, **settings).pack(expand=True)


A tool for visualization and color selection. ColorPalette has styles, you can add new colors or get them directly in the program. You can get a color with this tool or set a color in your program by specifying a name color and color number (idx).


from func.color_palette import get_colors

colors = get_colors('Material Color')

tesButton(..., background='dark blue', backgroundidx=2).pack()
tesLabel(..., bordercolor='red', bordercoloridx=5).grid()
tesEntry(..., background='#424242', bordercolor='orange').pack()
tesFrame(..., bordercolor='black', bordercoloridx=0).pack()

tesButton - widget

The tesButton has many custom styles. The basic styles are: rounded corners, shadows, borders. Other available styles are: roll, transparent, reverse, underline, background animation and borders. Some styles can be combined: reverse + border animation, roll + background animation and borders.


from widgets import tesButton

tesButton(container, text='Open File', icon='./icons/open.png', command=function).pack()
tesButton(..., text='transparent', bordercolor='red', style='transparent').pack()
tesButton(..., text='record', background='green', radius=10, style='record').grid()
tesButton(..., text='animation', bordercolor='lawn green', bordercoloridx=0, animation='border').place()
tesButton(..., text='reverse', textcolor='white', background='gray', style='reverse').pack()
tesButton(..., text='roll', icon='./icons/settings.png', textposition='w', widthmax=160, widthmini=55, style='roll').grid()
tesButton(..., text='underline', background='#37474f', textcolor='orange', style='underline', animation='border').pack()

tesSimpleButton, tesSmallButton - widget

tesSimpleButton and tesSmallButton is designed for simple or small controls.


from widgets import tesSmallButton, tesSimpleButton

tesSimpleButton(..., text='Click Me', command=func).grid()

tesEntry - widget

The tesEntry allows you to insert icons, set the underline style and enable border animation.


from widgets import tesEntry

tesEntry(..., bordercolor='black', bordercoloridx=0, animation='border', text='Search').grid()
tesEntry(..., text='login', icon='./icons/user.png', iconposition='w').pack()
tesEntry(..., background='blue', textcolor='white', fontsize=18, style='underline').place()

tesFrame - widget

Widget tesFrame or tesLabelFrame, a frame for other widgets. Supports border animation.


from widget import tesFrame

lf = tesFrame(container, style='labelFrame', animation='border') ; lf.pack()
     tesFrame(lf.tkinterframe, width=280, height=60, background='gray').pack()

tesCombobox - widget

Widget tesCombobox... Supports border animation.


from widget import tesCombobox

os_list = ['Windows', 'GNU Linux', 'Mac OSX']
tesCombobox(container, value_list=os_list, command=func).pack()

tesSpinbox - widget

Widget tesSpinbox... Supports border and button animation.


from widget import tesSpinbox

tesSpinbox(container, mini=0, maxi=100, step=10, value=20).pack()

tesText - widget

Widget tesText... Supports border animations.


from widgets import tesText

text = tesText(container) ; text.pack()
text.tkintertext.insert(1.0, 'Some Text')

tesNotification - widget

tesNotification is a notification system. It supports border animation, resizing and closing.


from widgets import tesNotufication

tesNotification().type('missed', container, icon='./icons/missed.png', title='Missed Call', subtitle='784604058', report=['list objects']).pack()
tesNotification().type('weather', container, icon='./icons/weather.png' ,title='Weather', subtitle='Rain and strong wind', report=['list objects']).pack()
tesNotification().type('player', container, icon='./icons/music.png', title='Paused', subtitle='Kings Of Leon - Sex on Fire').pack()

tesProgress - widget

Process, animation of work. Multiple animation styles, progress bar length, rectangle styles.


from tkmodule import App
from widgets import tesProgress

window = App('DemoProgress', '#313338')
tesProgress(window, 160, 70, 16, 7, style=4, loop=3)

tesWidgetBox - widget

tesWidgetBox is a box, a container for creating custom widgets. You can set the title, maximum width and maximum height of the widget and place all other widgets in it. Very importantly, the size of this widget changes. It supports border animation. This widget is used in WidgetCreatorTool.


from tkmodule import App
from widgets import tesWidgetBox, tesText, tesLabel, tesButton

app = App()
box = tesWidgetBox(app, width_max=300, height_max=600, separator=None) ; box.pack()
tesText(box.tkinterframe, text='default').pack(side='top')
tesLabel(box.tkinterframe, text='tesTk is Tkinter\'s modern widgets design').pack(side='left')
tesButton(box.tkinterframe, icon='./images/tesTk.png').pack(side='right')

tesTk - tkinter module

tesTk also supports modules based only on the tkinter library... the App and AppInformation module. You can use the App module to create a custom dialog box. The App module allows you to display resolution information.


from tkmodule import App, AppInformation
from widgets import tesSmallButton

app = App(resolution=True)
'''AppInformation expects data type dict'''
tesSmallButton(app, command=AppInformation).pack(expand=True)

tesTk - own module

tesTk supports custom modules based on tesTk widgets. tesAskQuestion, tesShowInfo or tesSimpleSettingMenu.


from widgets import tesButton
from tesmodule import tesAskQuestion

def your_function():
	popup = tesAskQuestion()
	if popup or popup.selection:
		# Execute the program.

tesButton(container, command=your_function).pack()

tesLabel - widget

Supports background animation or borders and sets text positions.


from widgets import tesLabel

tesLabel(..., text='Ready To Work', bordercolor='black', animation='border',).grid()
tesLabel(..., text='Loading', background='orange', backgroundidx=3, animation='background', textposition='center').pack()

Sample Demos


tesTk is based on the tkinter library. The first layer of each widget is a canvas, so you decide how the widget will look and change. You can create animations, draw your own controls, change widget shapes. You can also easily combine multiple widgets into one. Tkinter Canvas allows you ->heck Wiki







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