Intelligent customer service assistant
go serves as the webscoekt server, uses python to develop specific gpt application modules, and the two communicate through scoket
Modular development ideas, using python to quickly develop the required applications and integrate them online
- Supports Multi-user
- Support go and python process communication
├── SmartAssistant // web socket server
│ └── cmd // 启动的入口文件
│ └── main.go
├── configs // 维护配置文件信息
│ └── settings //配置模块信息
│ │── ipc_server.go //ipc 通信配置信息
│ │── mysql.go //数据库配置信息
│ │── open_ai.go //openap配置信息
│ └── appsettings.ini
│── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal // 核心实现逻辑
│ ├── conf
│ ├── data // 业务数据访问,实体层、数据库迁移记录和对应业务的仓储实现
│ │ │── entity
│ │ │── migrations
│ │ │── repo
│ ├── handle // 处理服务端和用户对话信息
│ └── service // web socket服务端核心处理逻辑
└── third_party // api 依赖的第三方proto
│ ├── chatgpt //gpt相关接口封装
│ ├── client //模拟websocket服务端
│ └── ipc //进程间通信核心代码
│── utils // 辅助工具包
│ ├── event //事件
│ ├── wire //依赖注入管理
│ └── process_manager //进程管理
In this section, provide instructions on how to install and use your project, such as:
- Install python3.0 and go1.20 environment
- Clone the repository with the command
git clone
. - Start the project with
go run main.go
In this section, provide usage examples and instructions for using your project, such as:
cd cmd
go run main.go
cd /third_party/client
go run client.go