An implementation of an artificial inteligence algorithm min-max with alfa-beta pruning.
Algorithm together with heuristic function extends game created by
wojciech1871 and MichalTurski.
- Python 3.* (version 3.6.5 or higher recommended).
- Python packages:
Download repository from Github, go to project's directory and type in terminal:
For each player provide a parameter that definces a depth of the search tree. Higher value results in a better artificial inteligence of computer players. Game enables to watch a match between two computer players with different search depth. Computer with higher depth search value wins.
It is recommended for parameters to be within range 1-4. -
Player1's deep: 2
Player2's deep: 4
- Walls and castle - There are 3 type of cells: walls, thrones and normal (ground) From the setup all stones are on wall cells.
- Turn - At each turn, each player moves a friendly stone A stone may orthogonally slide any number of empty cells. Sliding is only valid on the ground or on the wall. A slide cannot cross both types of cells. A stone may move to a different type of cell (from a wall to the ground, or vice versa) if that cell is orthogonally adjacent. It's possible to capture by replacement (capture is not mandatory).
- Goal - A player wins when he places one stone at the opponent throne.
- Turning sound on/off.
- Choosing game mode between 'Playes vs Computer' and 'Computer vs Computer'
- During game:
- press
button in order to back to menu.
- press